The proposal has provoked howls of Gallic indignation 该提议令法国人义愤填膺。
The wind howls; the waves rise. 风啸浪涌。
He gave howls of laughter. 他发出阵阵大笑。
It also involves howls of exasperation, cursing, and gnashing of teeth. 还包括愤激的狂笑,诅咒和咬牙切齿。
But now those howls have turned into a stinging civil lawsuit. 但如今,这些不满已演变成了一项巨额民事诉讼。
The_I_in the eyes howls, seeks, fumbles, and gnaws. 没有眼睛的我在吼着,寻着,摸着,啃着。
This is a moment when the instinct of self-preservation emits howls, when the beast re-appears in men. 这时保全自己的本能使他们发出嗥叫,人又重新回复到动物的状态。
But it's interesting to note that the Indian wolf almost never howls, even though it is capable, and researchers still don't understand why. 但有趣的是,印第安狼从来不咆哮,即使它们有这个能力,而这也一直困扰着研究人员。
The proposed changes caused howls of protest from the public. 拟议中的改革引起公众一片抗议的呼声。
They are the loudest land animal and their howls can be heard three miles away through dense forests. 它们是叫声最大声的陆地动物;在浓密的森林里,三哩之外都可听得到它们的叫声。
But every time I try a meatless supper on the family, there are howls of rebellion. 但是每当我在家试着做一顿无肉饭菜时,就会引起反抗的吼声。
This very idea is going to provoke howls from the right, but I think that's alarmist twaddle. 单这一想法就将激起右翼的怒吼,我倒觉得不过是危言耸听。
We scream defiant howls of challenge in combat. 我们在战斗中爆发出挑战的怒吼。
The suggestion was greeted with howls of laughter. 这个建议引起了阵阵大笑。
Our dog often howls at night. 我们的狗夜里常嚎叫。
But with Egyptians suffering their worst power cuts in decades, in a sweltering Ramadan, there were howls that he should fix his problems at home first. 但埃及人自己在闷热难熬的斋月里遭受了几十年来最惨痛的停电打击,这让他们发出了他应该首先解决自己国内问题的怒吼。
The mountain rain from now on, Hong Yongbao the note, will soar howls, splendid sight. 山雨过后,洪涌瀑注,飞腾叫啸,蔚为壮观。
Lynx-Killer, Red Talons Galliard, howls softly. 杀手林克斯,红色魔爪欢舞者,温柔地号叫。
The crowd howls and screams, rocks are thrown, and the police come running. 人群大声喊叫,扔掷石块,警察随即急速赶来。
His suggestion was met with howls of protest. 他的建议引起了一阵阵的抗议声。
Their savage howls make even Homid Garou uneasy. 他们原始的号叫甚至使人形的狼族都感到不安。
People can hear their howls three miles away. 人们在三哩外就听得到它们的吼叫声。
In a cavern under is fettered the thunder, It struggles and howls at fits; 下面有个洞穴,雷霆在其中幽囚,发出一阵阵挣扎怒吼;
Inevitably there will be tears; if the market for public offerings cools, expect howls. 不可避免会有眼泪;如果公开上市的市场降温,那么期待哀号吧。
Why do the keepers at the sanctuary use recorded howls? 为什麽保护区的饲养人要使用预录的吼叫声?
One howls on the prairie and one prowls on the hairy. 一个是在高原上嚎叫,一个是在毛发里游弋。
Similar howls of despair can be heard these days across Europe. 如今,整个欧洲都能听到类似的绝望哀号。
Sports car enthusiasts being a passionate lot, there are sure to be howls of protest. 跑车迷们热情高涨,但肯定会有一些反对的呼声。
The banks 'inaccurate financial statements have generated howls of protest but no successful litigation. 银行的虚假财务报告已引发了一片抗议声浪,但没有成功的诉讼案例。
Howls of pain issue from a gaping black orifice where its face should be. 痛苦的嚎叫声从本该是它脸部的位置上那深陷的黑色孔穴中传出来。