The remaining products shall be~ d in terms of HS lines or categories, in three stages. 其余的产品应按《协调制度》编码或分类,分三个阶段并入。
HS code and Product name in Chinese and English must be supplied. 发样时必须提供HS编码(出口商品海关编码),及产品的中英文名称及描述;
When hs was chosen the monitor of the class, everybody cheered an clapped. 当他被选为班长,每个人都拍手欢呼。
This paper describes the safety monitoring design for HS concrete face rockfill dam. 阐述了花山面板堆石坝的监测设计。
Analysis of Volatile Compounds in Packaging Materials Using HS/ GC-MS HS/GC-MS法对卷烟包装材料中挥发性有机化合物的检测
Hs heart was malformed, with only one ventricle pumping chamber instead of two. 韩笑的心脏发生了变形,只有一个心室搏动。
The seller should deliver stable service to the a.m.SL600 HS machine within long period. 卖方对所销售设备SL600HS提供长期稳定的技术支持和服务;
Methods: A total of42 cases of chronic eczema were randomly divided into HS group ( 22 cases) and hydrocortisone ( HC) group ( 20 cases). 方法:将42例慢性湿疹患者随机分成治疗组22例和对照组20例。
I'll not only be able to uncover the HS of our patient's demise. 我不仅可以告诉你他们是怎么死的。
He abandoned the estate when hs inherited it. 他在继承遗产时把他们全部放弃了。
Acknowledge property diagram of water vapor and the hs plot and Grasp how to use it. 了解并掌握水蒸气的热力性质表和图的结构及使用方法;
He hs long blonde hair and mischievous blue eyes. 他有一头长长的金发和一双淘气的蓝眼睛。
Staining for agrin, the major HS proteoglycan core protein in the GBM, was unaltered. 而GBM内主要的HS蛋白多糖核心蛋白&集聚蛋白(Agrin)染色没有变化。
Most of the smart money hs stopped going into the real estate. 大部分聪明人已不再把钱投入房地产了。
Mount tape for% hs of database '% ls'. 装入数据库''%2!''的%1!的磁带。
Contact suppliers for samples of ink and HS foil. 联系供应商取得油墨和烫金纸样品。
This study, with the use of a controlled in vivo approach, evaluated whether degradation of HS in rat GBM resulted in acute proteinuria. 本研究利用设置对照的体内技术评估了鼠GBM内HS降解是否引起急性蛋白尿。
The fetch type% hs cannot be used with dynamic cursors. 提取类型%1!不能用于动态游标。
Alteration of behavior and attitudes hs been demonstrated as well. 而且还能改变行为和态度等。
% hs: The fetch type% hs cannot be used with forward only cursors. %1!:提取类型%2!不能用于只进游标。
This Annex lists textile and clothing products defined by Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System ( HS) codes at the six-digit level. 本附件列出按《商品名称及编码协调制度》HS6位编码表示的纺织品和服装产品。
Discussion on HS explosion suppression system of coal mine in China 关于HS矿井阻燃抑爆系统在我国煤矿应用的探讨
The mechanical properties and thermostability are improved with increasing HS content, while the heat build-up becomes bigger. 提高硬段含量明显能够改进材料的力学性能和热稳定性,但会导致材料更高的内生热;
Objective To investigate the hysteroscopy ( HS) diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia ( EH) of the compliance rate and influencing factors. 目的探讨宫腔镜(HS)诊断子宫内膜增生症(EH)的符合率及影响因素。
Yet my HS are shaking. 然而我的双手在颤抖。
Box8: For each good described in Box7, identify the HS tariff classification to six digits. 第8栏:对应第7栏中的每种货物填写《协调制度》六位数税则归类编码。