傲慢;狂妄 the fact of sb being too proud. In literature, a character with this pride ignores warnings and laws and this usually results in their downfall and death.
N-UNCOUNT 傲慢;自大;自恃 If you accuse someone of hubris, you are accusing them of arrogant pride.
...a tale of how an honourable man pursuing honourable goals was afflicted with hubris and led his nation towards catastrophe. 关于一个追求崇高目标的磊落君子是如何因自高自大而将自己的国家引向灾难的故事
Hubris and excessive optimism are the typical causes of this one, but sadly Boards still let this happen. 狂妄自大、过度乐观是这一错误的典型起因,不幸的是,董事会经常放任这种事情发生。
We have got used to the idea that incompetence, greed and hubris led to the banking crisis. 这件事具有颠覆性。我们已经习惯了如下说法:无能、贪婪和傲慢导致了此次银行业危机。
Most start-ups go broke because of over-optimism; established companies are wrecked by complacency and hubris. 多数初创企业因过度乐观而破产;成熟公司则被自满和傲慢摧毁。
The can-do attitude of this Silicon Valley technology elite may be one of its strengths, but it can also sometimes look like hubris in the face of the challenges of a new industry. 这种硅谷技术精英的自信态度也许是其一大长处,但在面对新行业的诸多挑战时,有时候可能也会显得狂妄自大。
But somewhere along the way, says Prof Deshpand é, hubris set in. 但在发展过程中,德什潘德表示,傲慢不知不觉地滋生了。
But the real long-term threat to the Davos view may stem from economic hubris rather than despair. 但对达沃斯理念真正构成长期威胁的或许并不是绝望,而是经济上的狂妄自大。
It is a story of management hubris and excessive risk-taking and it raises one of the most tantalising questions of the year: were the US authorities, notably Hank Paulson, US Treasury Secretary, right to let Lehman go under? 这是一个关于管理傲慢和过度冒险的故事,它提出了一个今年最引人深思的问题:美国政府,尤其是美国财长汉克保尔森(hankpaulson),让雷曼破产到底对不对?
Modern physicists, aware of the hubris of their19th-century predecessors, have never thought their subject closed. 现代物理学家从未想过,他们19世纪的前辈引以为豪的研究会就此结束。
There was no Lehman-style collapse or Bernie Madoff-type fraud to hammer home the full extent of the hubris. 当时既没有雷曼兄弟式的崩溃,也没有波尼。麦道夫式的欺诈来对这番乐极生悲的景象作出诠释。
Our parochial narrowness and cultural hubris are a dangerous combination. 我们本位主义的狭隘性和傲慢文化是一个危险的结合。
This hubris turned to humility in the2007 sub-prime crisis that led to the global economic crisis. 这种傲慢在2007年的次贷危机中变成了谦卑,而正是这次次贷危机导致了全球性经济危机。
One marvels at the hubris of a candidate who imagined he could run without this becoming an issue. 人们对罗姆尼的傲慢感到惊讶他竟然以为这不会对他竞选总统构成麻烦。
In ancient Athens, hubris was a crime. 在古代的雅典,狂妄自大是一种罪。
Mote was killed by my hubris ad my pride. 蒙蒂死于我的骄傲与自大;
Among bankers I meet there is a lot more hubris than humility. 在我所遇到的银行家中,自大者比谦逊者多得多。
The Odyssey taught humanity the dangers of hubris and the need for flexible responses to interminable and unpredictable setbacks. 《奥德赛》的故事向人类讲述了自负的危险,也教会我们应当灵活应对没完没了、无法预测的挫折。
In retailing, the damage that can be caused by hubris and a sales-driven culture is limited. 在零售行业,狂妄自大和以销售额为驱动的文化所能造成的破坏比较有限。
Many observers have sensed a growing hubris from China in the last year or so, and some in the West have already begun to ponder what it will be like when China rules the world. 许多观察人士在大约去年的时候都觉察到了中国不断增长的自大情绪,西方的一些观察家已经开始考虑一旦中国统治了世界,那将会是怎样一种情形。
Overconfidence leads to hubris. 过于自信会导致狂妄。
[ the financial sector's] failings in the recent crisis include distorted incentives, hubris, envy, misplaced faith and herd behaviour. 最近这场危机中(金融部门)的过失包括动机扭曲、狂妄自大、嫉妒、信心错置以及羊群效应。
"Hubris" is too much self-confidence or ego. “狂妄自大”就是过于自信或过于自负。
Some emerging-market acquisitions are driven by a combination of hubris and frontier mentality. 一些新兴经济体的收购是受自负与探索心态的双重驱使。
One is hubris, and the other is the lack of people skills. 一个是傲慢,另一个是缺乏人际交往技巧。
It may be arrogance, hubris or insecurity that causes him to seek a reaction from you. 这也许是由于自负、骄傲以及不安全感导致他要寻求你的反应。
Leverage becomes associated with hubris and ruin, rather than a short-cut to growth. 杠杆开始与狂妄和毁灭联系在了一起,而不再是增长的捷径。
There was a hubris that was unreal: the climate and the culture and the unbridled optimism. 当时有一种不真实的傲慢气氛:气候、文化和不受拘束的乐观主义。
Cultural hubris, another pattern Jim Collins in particular raises, is of foremost concern. 文化上的傲慢是JimCollins最关注的问题。
"Generations change, power often creates hubris and appetites sometimes grow with eating," he says. 几代人过去了,力量常常让人自负,吃的越多,胃口有时反而越大。
The greatest sin of bankers is not so much the greed they showed in pay packets and bonuses, as hubris overweening arrogance, self-confidence and mental brutality towards those who may see life and business models differently from them. 银行家最大的罪责不是对薪资和奖金表现出的贪婪,而是狂妄对那些对于生活和商业模式的看法可能与他们有所不同的人,所表现出的傲慢自大、自信以及精神上的施虐。
Such ideological hubris contributed to the market fundamentalism that led to financial nemesis in 2008. 这种意识形态上的自大,助长了市场原教旨主义,后者则招致了2008年金融危机的报复。