His teacher continually humiliates him in maths lessons. 他的数学老师频频在课上羞辱他。
It also, however, has its limits, which Frank discovers to his detriment when he publicly humiliates his choice for vice presidential running mate and the former prot é g é turns against him in a spectacular way. 这种控制也有局限性,弗兰克曾公开羞辱他的副总统竞选伙伴,最终这位曾经的门徒以一种惊人的方式背叛了他,并给他造成了损失。
And its colorful security scorecard cheerfully humiliates you into replacing weak or repeated passwords. 它那五彩缤纷的安全记分卡会得意洋洋地奚落你,让你更换易被限免或重复的密码。
What on earth humiliates the image of "students studying abroad"? 到底是什么损害了“留学生”的品牌形象?
If it humiliates your belief? 这是否玷污了你们的信仰?
In an environment where immediate and brutal grat ¬ ification reigns, his wanton tenderness for a stranger humiliates him. 在那样的环境中,人们崇尚蛮横的即刻满足,这个男孩对陌生人的毫无保留的关切让他遭受了侮辱。
It said US President Barack Obama was "legally responsible" for clarifying "the fate of our father" and that the sea burial "demeans and humiliates his family and his supporters". 它说美国总统奥巴马在法律上有责任对我们父亲的命运做出解释,并且海葬是对本·拉登家人以及他的支持者的蔑视和侮辱。
He publicly humiliates his dissenters. 并且公开侮辱持异议者。
Another statement appeared on a jihadist website saying the burial of Bin Laden at sea "demeans and humiliates his family". 出现在圣战网站上的另一份声明则认为本·拉登的海葬是“贬低和羞辱他的家人”。