Yet nudism, as far as I know, is fairly mainstream in Germany to this day ( and not, as it is here, the province of hippies and public radio humorists). 然而就我所知,迄今为止,天体主义在德国都是相当主流的文化(和我们这个盛产嬉皮士和电台笑星的国家不同)。
Since Chuangtse lived and wrote, however, all Chinese politicians and bandits have become great humorists, because they have been imbued, directly or indirectly, with the Chuangtsean view of life. 从庄子时期及其著书年代起,所有的中国政客及土匪无赖竟都成为了大幽默家,因其都直接或间接地为庄子的人生观所影响。
Some professional humorists think too much of today's humor is not very intelligent or sophisticated. 一些专业的幽默家认为如今的幽默大多缺乏智慧,不够巧妙。
His manners, it is true, are tinctured with some strange inconsistencies, and he may be justly termed a humorist in a nation of humorists. 他的神态真的是交织着某些奇怪的不和谐因素。他可以被称为是幽默民族中的一名幽默者。
Ward and several other humorists came from the East. 沃德和几个别的幽默作家都来自东部。
In this sense, the production and interpretation of humorous discourse lies in the humor strategies derived from the humorists 'positive interaction with the addressees' cognitive environment in search for relevance. 在这个意义上,幽默策略产生于幽默发出者对接受者认知语境的积极作用,幽默话语的产生与理解就在于寻求关联的幽默策略中。
Kurt Vonnegut is one of the favorite dark humorists of the past century. 库尔特·冯尼格是上世纪最受欢迎的黑色幽默小说家之一。
The interpretive processes may be predicted to a greater or lesser extent, which provides humorists with the key to the necessary control over the eventual interpretation of their humorous discourses. 幽默发出者可以或多或少得预算到这些理解方法,从而能够控制对其幽默话语的的最终解释从而获得幽默效果。
Joseph Heller ( 1923-1999), the excellent representative of black humorists, is one famous contemporary writer in America. 约瑟夫·海勒(1923-1999)是当代美国著名的小说家,也是黑色幽默文学的杰出代表。
Black humorists, employed absurd form to show absurd theme in their works and exposed frenzy, absurdity, despair and cruelty in real life. 而黑色幽默作家,以荒诞的形式表现荒诞的主题从而揭示现实生活中的疯狂、荒谬、绝望与残酷。
Mark Twain is one of the greatest novelists and humorists. 马克·吐温是美国历史上伟大的小说家和幽默家之一。