It was a humorless wink; a wink of warning-Truman Capote. 这是一个严肃的眼色;表示警告的眼色&杜鲁门·柯珀德。
She winked at me, but it was humorless; a wink of warning ( Truman Capote) 她向我使了个眼色,但那一点儿也不幽默;一个警告的眼色(杜鲁门卡波特)
To me, they seem a bit more emotionless than I'd expected, even via Nancy, though certainly not humorless or without personality! 在我看来,他们似乎比我预期中缺乏一点感情,甚至通过南茜也是如此,虽然肯定他们并不是缺乏幽默感,或者没有个性!
In a humorless manner. 以缺乏幽默感的方式。
It's all so stolid and humorless, even the scenes in San Francisco, without compensating epic sweep. 全片麻木迟钝、一本正经,甚至是那些还在旧金山时的没有史诗场面的部分。