Fin whales make pulsed sounds at around 20 hertz, while humpbacks sing at much higher frequencies. 长须鲸的声音频率是20赫兹,座头鲸更高一点。
Found in coastal waters worldwide, humpbacks are known for their magical songs, haunting sequences of moans, howls, cries, and other noises that often continue for hours on end. 在各沿海水域,座头鲸以其魔幻般的嗓音闻名世界,呻吟声、嚎叫声、哭泣声以及其他一系列声音时常持续数时不觉于耳。
She describes how humpbacks build "nets" of bubbles to catch fish& a form of communal tool use; 她还描述了驼背鲸是如何编织“气泡网”来捕食其他鱼类的&一种对共生工具的使用形式;