Earthworms consume large amounts of soil, and produce a rich humus, perfect in texture. 蚯蚓吃下大量土壤,排出肥力丰富、物理结构理想的腐殖质。
Allelopathic Effects of Allelochemicals in Cunninghamia Lanceolata Root and Humus Soil on Its Seed Germination under Different Decomposed Stage 盐度变化条件下芦苇对互花米草的化感效应不同腐解阶段杉木根及腐殖土化感物质对杉木的化感效应
Soil microorganism plays an important role in the process of nutrient transformation and humus forming in soil. 土壤微生物在土壤养分转化与腐殖质形成过程中有着重要的作用。
Relationships of Humus Compositions and Fertility under Long term Fertilization on Lou Soil and Yellow Loamy Soil ?土和黄绵土长期施肥的腐殖质组分及其与肥力的关系
Soil particle size composition of tillage horizon is significantly related to the depth of humus horizon. 土壤腐殖质层厚度和颗粒组成受局部地形变化的影响较大;
Effects of long-term corn stalk application on the composition and properties of humus in black soil aggregates 长期施用玉米秸杆对黑土团聚体中腐殖质组成和性质的影响
Study on Improvement of Settleability and Dewatering Characteristics of Activated Sludge by Humus Soil 腐殖土改善活性污泥沉降与脱水性能的研究
Soil which contains a lot of humus is more fertile than that which only has a little. 富含腐殖质的土壤比只含有少量腐殖质的土壤要肥沃多了。
When the humus has been formed, plants can grow well in it. 一旦腐殖土形成,植物就可以在里面茂盛地生长了。
Mixed matrix of sand and red soil give better cuttage effects than that of perlite and humus. 河沙和红土的混合基质优于珍珠岩和腐殖土的混合基质;
Sometimes after heavy rain, the water carries the humus down to a river. 有时大雨之后,雨水会把腐殖土冲到河里。
Effects of Different Fertilization Treatments on Humus Composition of Black Soil 不同施肥处理对黑土腐殖质组成的影响
The treatment efficiency of domestic sewage by the SBR filled with humus soil was investigated and compared with that by the conventional SBR. 考察了添加腐殖土的SBR工艺处理生活污水的效果,并与传统SBR反应器进行对比。
Adsorption of Bentonite on Two Organophosphorous Pesticides in Existence of Humus 腐殖质存在条件下膨润土对两种有机磷农药的吸附研究
People should grow more and more trees and grass to stop wind from carrying the humus away. 人们应该种植更多的树木和花草,来防止风带走腐殖土层。
The distribution of Soil Humus in black soil aggregates under incubation 培养条件下土壤腐殖质在黑土团聚体中的分布
It is during this stage that the compost turns into good, crumbly fragrant, humus earth. 正是在这一阶段,堆肥变成良好的、疏松芳香的腐殖质土。
The content of methyl functional group of humus is an important index to evaluate the humification of soil. 胡敏酸甲氧基功能团的含量多寡是衡量土壤腐殖质化的重要指标。
A forest fire that burns the humus; may not appear on the surface. 腐殖质层燃烧的一种森林火灾;通常不露出表面。
The lack of humus and the excessive leaching make this soil almost useless for agricultural purpose. 蒸腾对淋溶等级的作用缺少腐殖质和过度淋滤使这种土壤对农业几乎无用。
Study on Pollutant Removal Efficiency of Humus Soil Activated Sludge Process 腐殖土强化活性污泥工艺的除污效果研究
The part of the earth's surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock. 地球表面含有腐殖质和被分解的岩石的部分。
The good ventilation conditions speeded up the mineralization of organic matter, but being unfavorable to accumulation of humus. 良好的通气状况便有机物质矿化速度加快,不利于腐殖质的积累。
It would be important to increase soil humus content to alleviate the pollution and enhance the soil self-purification. 提高土壤腐殖质含量是减轻污染危害及增强土壤自净能力的重要措施。
Effects of long-term fertilization on soil humus carbon and nitrogen fractions in a wheat-maize cropping system 长期施肥对小麦-玉米作物系统土壤腐殖质组分碳和氮的影响
Easy and readily grown in light shade in a humus rich soil outside. 种植容易,本种喜半阴,潮湿环境,宜种植在腐殖质丰富的土壤中。
Humus, a substance found in soil, is soft and spongy and enables plant roots to send out tiny hairs through that they absorb water and food. 土壤中的腐殖质是柔软多孔的,能够使植物根部所伸出微小的根须通过,吸收水和养料。
When the soil is dry, the wind blows it away. Some of the humus is lost; 土壤干燥,风就会把它吹跑,会损失一些腐殖土。
The top layer of a soil profile; usually contains humus. 土壤层中的顶层;通常含有腐殖土。