N-COUNT 直觉;预感;第六感 If you have a hunch about something, you are sure that it is correct or true, even though you do not have any proof.
I had a hunch that Susan and I would work well together... 我有预感和苏珊共事会很融洽。
Then Mr. Kamenar, acting on a hunch, ran a computer check at the Federal Election Commission. 然后卡姆纳尔先生凭直觉在联邦选举委员会的计算机系统中进行了查询。
VERB (常指因寒冷、生病或愁苦而)耸肩弓身,蜷起身子 If you hunch forward, you raise your shoulders, put your head down, and lean forwards, often because you are cold, ill, or unhappy.
He got out his map of Yorkshire and hunched over it to read the small print. 他拿出约克郡地图,弓身趴在上面努力看清那些细小的字体。
VERB 耸起(双肩) If you hunch your shoulders, you raise them and lean forwards slightly.
Wes hunched his shoulders and leaned forward on the edge of the counter. 韦斯耸起双肩,身体前倾靠在柜台边上。
Steven Johnson, a writer on innovation, argues that some of the best new products are slow hunches. 谈论创新思维的作者史蒂芬?杰克逊认为一些最好的新作品都是渐进式灵感的产物。
You often have cool stuff new initiatives, side projects, hunches you want to confirm with data, people you want to talk to left over when its time to go home. 你经常会有许多很酷的事新的策划、支援型项目、需要验证的数据、你想要交谈的人在下班时会做剩下。
Pay attention to your "inner voice" and follow through on any "hunches" that you receive. 注意倾听你内心的呼唤,遵从任何心灵的暗示。
It rewards the curiosity of your people and lets them validate their hunches. 这归功于员工的好奇心,并让他们验证自己的直觉。
When, in plain English, I give it the symptoms of a disease I once contracted in India, it gives me a list of hunches, ranked from most to least probable. 简单地说,当我输入我曾经在印度感染上的某种疾病症状时,它会给我一个疑似病症的清单,上面一一列明了可能性从高到低的疾病。
We often test our hunches on each other. 我们经常互相检验我们的第六感觉。
Naturally, the solution to the problem lies in good schooling-emptying minds of their youthful hunches and intuitions about how the world works, and repopulating them with sound scientific principles that have been repeatedly tested and verified. 当然,问题的解决途径在于好的教育-没有思维杂念的年青人的预感、对世界如何运作的直觉和重新注入正确的经过无数次的检验和验证的科学原则。
Like one of your hunches. 就好像你的那些预感一样。
The ultimate empowerment of medical consumers, who will know their own disease risks and seek commensurate treatment, rather than relying on the hunches and folklore of a paternalistic family doctor. 医疗消费者将获得权利,他们将知道自己的对疾病的风险,并寻求相称的治疗,而不是依靠家一位长式家庭医生凭借预感和民间传说。
Intellect and judgment are brought into play, and your hunches and inspirations are logically confirmed or denied. 我们还应发挥才智,客观的对直觉和灵感进行逻辑分析。
It can involve happenstance, hunches and blind panic. 这当中可能涉及偶然情况、直觉和盲目的恐慌。
A prosecutor and a detective act based on hunches and guts! 凭着直觉做事的检察官和警官。
We may be assuming that patients and families are more fragile than they really are and that keeping our hunches to ourselves will protect them, when in fact we may be making the situation worse. 我们可能会假设病人及其家属可能比现实中要脆弱,因此而坚持我们的做法以保护他们,但事实上我们可能使情况更加糟糕。
But this approach goes about investing in an automated way, based on intricate algorithms based on years of historical performance that restrict input of sentiment and hunches. 但系统化交易是根据复杂的算法算法则基于多年的历史数据以自动化的方式进行投资,这就把情绪和直觉排除在外。
Much of the time, however, I am simply confirming to you that your hunches are correct and that your instincts about how to do this meditation or how to modify it to suit you are on the right path. 可是,大多数时我只是简单向你确认你的预感及你对如何做这个冥想的直觉是正确的,或者为更适合你自己而做出的调试的正确之路。
The trine formed between Jupiter and Neptune expands your latent intuitive faculties, giving a practical application to your hunches. 木星与海王星之间形成的三分相扩展你潜在的直觉能力,赋予你直觉的实际应用。
If possible, please have hunches of fresh flowers on the table. 如果可能的话,请在餐桌上布置几束鲜花。
To show sadness, Kobian hunches over, hangs its head and holds a hand up to its face in a gesture of grief. 为了表达悲伤,它低垂着头,举起一个手放在脸上,摆出悲痛的样子。
And the other thing is to allow those hunches to connect with other people's hunches. 还有一点,就是让这些灵感与别人的灵感两相结合。
Recognize your hunches and act upon them. 认识你们的直觉和他们的行为。
Before you can decide that, one has to know oneself pretty well, which means that you have to have had some experience with knowing that your hunches. 在做决定之前,你必需十分了解自己,即有必要做一些试验来了解自己的直觉是怎样的。
The objector and the rebel who raises his voice against what he believes to be the injustice of the present and the wrongs of the past is the one who hunches the world along. 竭力反对所确信的当前之不平与过去之错误的反对者和反抗者,是世界发展的推动者。
Holt maintains that the best results can be gained when a student is given time to figure things out and to develop hunches that become more and more sophisticated with experience. 霍尔特认为,只有给学生充分的时间,让他们自行思考问题、形成直觉并且随着经验的不断提高而把这种直觉发展到更为高深的程度的时候,教学过程才能取得最佳效果。
Follow your hunches since they will be extremely helpful for you. 你的直觉会给你极大的帮助,跟着直觉走吧。
We have been asked before to name humans in other countries who are in valid contact with aliens and can relay information in some form, via hunches or by channeling, and have declined. 我们以前就被要求说出其他国家里与外星人有着真实有效接触,并且可以以某些形式传递信息(通过预感或者接触渠道)之人的名字,但我们谢绝了。
We should be basing our decisions on solid facts rather than our inclinations and hunches. 我们应将我们的决定基于可靠的事实而不是个人爱好和灵感。
Your famous hunches telling you anything? 你出名的直觉告诉你什么了吗?
You start getting hunches that you can't exactly explain. 你开始感觉到任何事情都无法解释。