Micro-partitioning allows a single processor to be subdivided into portions of hundredths of a processor from the processor pool. 微分区允许将单个处理器再分为处理器池中一个处理器的数个部分。
For example, time interval values are reported as'timeticks,'or hundredths of a second. 例如,时间间隔值以“时间单位数”(或百分之一秒数)的形式来报告。
When races are decided by hundredths of a second, swimmers will try to get any advantage. 比赛有可能只靠百分之一秒来角逐胜负,所以选手们会尽量争取任何一点优势。
They think they can get it to move even slower, around two hundredths of a mile per hour. 英里。科学家认为,他们可以使光行进得甚至比这更慢,达到每小时约二百分之一英里。
And although a second satellite containing the eyepiece ( a special lens that also uses Fresnel optics, and a camera to record the image) must fly at the focus, the accuracy required is only hundredths of a metre, not billionths. 并且,尽管还必须有一个含有目镜(也是一种运用菲涅尔视觉的特殊透镜,也是一种记录图像的相机)的卫星在焦点上运行,所需要的精准度也只是百分之一米。
On any normal business day the spreads would be only a few hundredths of a percentage point. 在通常的交易日,(利率)波动往往只是几个基点而已。
The balloons themselves can weigh more than two thousand kilograms, yet they are made of polyethylene only a few hundredths of a millimeter thick. 气球本身的重量可达2000公斤,然而其外表却是由只有百分之几毫米厚的聚乙烯制成的。
The Earth's34 biodiversity hotspots cover two hundredths of its land area, yet are home to half of its plant species. 地球的34个生物多样性热点地区仅覆盖了陆地面积的2%,然而这些地区是地球上的半数物种的家园。
One can imagine all this as it might be shown in the films of Jean Cocteau: during the few hundredths of a second that it takes for a chimney to collapse, a whole series of events would take place. 一个人可能想象到的一切,可能就出现在简·科克提奥的电影里:在数秒钟之内烟囱倒塌了,一系列的事件随之发生。
The time elapsed ( in hundredths of a second) since the server configuration was reset. 服务器配置重设后经过的时间(百分之一秒)。
If a gear change is approaching, one clutch opens within three to four hundredths of a second while the other closes. 假设一次变档到来,一个离合器在一秒的3%至4%内打开,同时另一个合上。