What was he doing in Hyde Park at that time of the morning? 那么一大早他在海德公园干什么?
Some of the fans had waited 24 hours outside the Hyde Park Hotel to catch a glimpse of their heroine. 为了一睹女主角的风采,一些追星族已经在海德公园饭店外守候了24个小时。
Hyde accelerated away from the kerb, swerving out into the middle of the street 海德加速驶离路边,突然向街道中央一个急转弯。
'Aubrey.' Hyde seemed almost to snarl the name. “奥伯里,”海德几乎是吼出了这个名字。
Hyde shifted his weight and felt himself teeter forward, beginning to overbalance 海德转移了一下重心,就感到自己往前倾,开始失去平衡。
General Lewis Hyde had served under General 'Billy' Mitchell 刘易斯·海德将军曾是“比利”·米切尔将军的部下。
He had been riding in Hyde Park, but felt unwell as he was being driven back to his office late this afternoon. 他一直在海德公园骑自行车,后来感到不舒服,近黄昏时被人开车送回办公室。
By the side of Hyde Park stands Kensington gardens. 肯星顿公园在海德公园旁边。
I learned my lesson from this, and opened a new bank account in the name of Hyde. I even gave Hyde a different handwriting. I was sure I was safe-but I was wrong. 从这件事上我吸取了教训,以后用海德的名字给他开了新的帐户,我甚至给了他一个不同的笔迹。我想一切都万无一失了,但我错了。
No one pulled the plug on Madonna at Hyde Park. Well, who would dare? 没有人在麦当娜海德公园演唱会中提前离场,谁敢?
Neil McCormick reviews US pop star Madonna's concert at Hyde Park, part of her MDNA Tour. 尼尔.麦考米克回顾了美国流行天后麦当娜在海德公园的演唱会,这次演唱会是她MDNA世界巡演的一部分。
Is this the platform for Hyde park? 这是去海德公园的月台吗?
Here we are at Marble Arch, at the northeast corner of Hyde Park. 我们现在来到了海德公园东北角的大理石拱门。
It is not just One Hyde Park. 受到热捧的不仅仅是海德公园一号。
My room overlooks Hyde Park. 我的房间俯视海德公园。
One wet night I was coming home through Hyde park from working late on a job in Paddington. 在一个湿冷的晚上,我因为在帕丁顿工作到很晚才穿过海德公园的路回家。
He wandered across Hyde Park and ended up, heaven knows why, in the geological museum. 他漫步穿过海德公园,天知道为什么,最后走进了地质博物馆。
Hyde Park is one of a few neighborhoods in Chicago where both blacks and whites live in large numbers. 海德公园社区是芝加哥少有的几个社区之一,那里居住着大量的黑人和白人。
He made his film in Hyde park, london, and later watched it in his home. 他在伦敦的海德公园制作了他的电影,随后在家观看。
Mrs Hyde has checked out this morning. 海德夫人今天上午已经结帐走了。
All they know is that Dr. Jekyll does good things, and Mr. Hyde does terrible things. 他们只知道哲基尔医生做了很多好事,而海德先生做了很多坏事。
I heard they frequented Hyde Park. 我听说他们常去海德公园。
Winding its way through western london, Piccadilly street runs from Hyde Park Circle to Piccadilly circus. 皮卡迪利大街沿着伦敦西部蜿蜒徘徊,从海德公园地区一直贯穿到皮卡迪利广场。
Is Hyde Park included in the tour? 这趟旅行去海德公园吗?
Last year my parents moved from Hyde to stepney. 去年我的父母从海德搬到了斯泰波尼。
How much to Hyde park? 去海德公园多少钱?
The first place I visited was Hyde Park. 我观光的第一个地方是海德公园。
I was walking one winter day in Hyde park. 冬季的一天我正在海德公园散步。