So when he mentioned fooling around with 100 of them, I got in the car and drove. By the afternoon, I was following my old garden mentor around, ducking in and out of magnolias and hydrangeas, looking for the best of the bunch. 因此,当他提到他在倒腾100种鼠尾草时,我马上开车直奔了过去。到下午时分,我跟在自己的园艺启蒙导师后面,穿梭于木兰和绣球花中,寻找着长势最好的花丛。
He collapsed on your hydrangeas. 他在你们家的草坪上晕倒了。
Are humans and hydrangeas related? 人类与绣球花有关系吗?
Scattered here and again amongst this jungle growth I would recognize shrubs that had been landmarks in our time, things of culture and grace, hydrangeas whose blue heads had been famous. 在这片荒凉芜秽的林莽中间,时而也还能认出一些灌木丛,那是当年我们居住时的标志,是人工栽培和雅趣的产物。
Madonna has finally weighed in on the topic that dominated the news cycle last week: her public loathing of hydrangeas. 天后麦当娜最终就上周新闻圈热议的她公开表示“我最讨厌绣球花”进行回应了。
Hydrangeas, roses, impatiens, geraniums, petunias were everywhere in gardens and window boxes; so verdant and quite unlike our sunburnt country in the height of summer. 绣球花,玫瑰,凤仙花,天竺葵,矮牵牛在花园和窗台到处如此苍翠不像我们在盛夏灼热的国家。
Here is Madonna's love letter* to hydrangeas. 这就是麦当娜写给绣球花的情书。
I'm hearing no purple hydrangeas. 我听说紫色的绣球花没了。
Make sure those hydrangeas are still vivid. 确保那些绣球花还色彩鲜艳。