One thinks one hears hydras talking. 我们仿佛听见了七头蛇在说话。
Father-of-two Mr Hydras, 49, took it to a local taverner where a chef cooked it and served it with tomato, lemon and a lettuce leaf. 现年49岁的海德拉斯先生是两个孩子的父亲,他捉住章鱼后把它带到当地小餐馆里,厨师把章鱼做熟,还和西红柿、柠檬、生菜叶子一起端了出来。
A repentant Mr Hydras said: It tasted just like a normal octopus but now I feel really bad. 后悔莫及的海德拉斯先生说:它尝起来和其他章鱼没什么区别,但我现在感觉很糟糕。
Without mercy, Kratos rips the key from the captains necklace and lets him fall to the Hydras stomach. 毫无怜悯地,克瑞托斯将钥匙从船长脖子上一把拽下,把他一脚踹进了九头蛇的肚子里面。
Week of hydra: double growth for Hydras and chaos hydras. 九头蛇周:九头蛇产量加倍。
Let's knock down those Hydras and drive them to the sea! 让我们铲除祸根,把他们赶到大海去!