Acute hypercarbia aggravates existing cerebral edema because it causes cerebral vasodilatation and increased cerebral blood flow. 急性高碳酸血症可因其导致脑血管扩张和增加脑血流量而加重已经存在的脑水肿。
Stimulation of the autonomic nervous system can occur owing to hypoxia or hypercarbia from depressed ventilation. 自主神经系统兴奋作用的发生是由于通气受阻而导致的低氧血症和高碳酸血症引起的。
Prevention of hypercarbia during endoscopic thyroidectomy 内镜下甲状腺切除术中高碳酸血症的预防
Results Mixed ventilatory disorders with lung function tests and hypoxemia coexisted with hypercarbia with arterial blood gas analysis were main manifestations for PF COPD, while for IPF they were restrictive ventilatory disorders and almost mere hypoxemia. 结果慢性阻塞性肺疾病继发肺间质纤维化患者的血气分析表现以低氧血症为主,部分可合并二氧化碳潴留,其肺功能测定结果不完全符合阻塞型或限制型通气功能障碍,介于两者之间。
All of these, only 2 cases had serious complication ( the two hypercarbia cases, 2/ 228,0.9%). 其中2例属较严重的并发症(均为严重高碳酸血症,2/228,占0.9%),因上述并发症而中转开放手术或暂停手术的3例。