With the boundary conditions of bound states, we have obtained the corresponding energy spectrum via an expression and wave functions in terms of hypergeometric functions. 并利用束缚态边界条件,获得了束缚态能谱表达式和由超几何函数表示出的波函数。
The Propagation of Generalized Hypergeometric Beams in ABCD Optical Systems 广义超几何光束在ABCD光学系统中的传播
A class of discrete type random variable probability distributions, called negative geometric distribution and negative hypergeometric distribution, are discussed. 本文研究了一类离散型随机变量的概率分布,称之为负几何分布和负超几何分布。
Properties of Analytic Functions Defined by Hypergeometric Functions; By using the curve-fitting method, its analytical expression is obtained. 用超几何函数定义的解析函数的性质并以曲线拟合法求得该函数的解析表达式。
By the next morning I had established the existence of a class of Fuchsian functions, those which come from the hypergeometric series; 第二天早上之前,我已经建立好一类Fuchsian函数的存在性证明,这些函数来自于超几何序列;
The solutions of some quantum mechanics questions are unified by confluent hypergeometric functions; 用合流超几何函数统一了量子力学若干问题的解法;
Application of the solutions of the hypergeometric equation to function expansions 关于方程ф(x)=ф(y)超几何方程的解在函数展开中的应用
Fisher's exact test method based on hypergeometric distribution has been introduced to test difference between two proportions in many statistical books. 对两个百分数的差别作统计学检验,在许多统计著作中介绍了以超几何分布为基础的Fisher精确法。
In this paper, the governing equations of the problem have been changed into a six-order ordinary differential equation about the displacement function H(ξ), the exact solution of the six-order equation was given in generalized hypergeometric function. 文中通过引入一个位移函数H(ξ),将该问题的方程组化成一个关于H(ξ)的6阶常微分方程,用广义超几何函数给出问题的精确解。
New Hypergeometric Distribution Mathematic Model and Its Arithmetic 超几何分布接收概率新数学模型及其算法
Some inequalities for the ratios of hypergeometric functions 一类超几何函数比的几个不等式
The zeroth order approximation of the solution can be expressed in terms of confluent hypergeometric functions. 解的零级近似可以用汇合超几何函数表示。
In this paper, the inclination functions are expressed as the hypergeometric func-tions. 本文用超几何函数来表示倾角函数。
With the help of a transformation formula of basic hypergeometric functions, known identities, and Jacobi triple, we have established some new Rogers-Ramanujan type identities. 本章借助一个基本超几何函数的变换公式、已知的恒等式以及Jacobi三重积,建立了一些新的Rogers-Ramanujan型恒等式。
These coefficients are expressed by the hypergeometric functions and a method with high efficiency in computations in presented. 为了提高计算效率,作者将这些系数用超几何函数予以表示,并由此提出了高效的计算方法。
By applying the algorithm of reference works of G. Gasper and M. Rahman, the author got evaluation formula of several basic hypergeometric series. 运用G.Gasper和M.Rahman中的算法,求得几个基本超几何级数的估计式。
The number concentration of the activated cloud condensation nuclei ( CCN) is described with the hypergeometric function. 云中凝结核CCN的数浓度采用超几何函数表示;
By using a simple algorithm for the summation of basic hypergeometric series, summation formulas for some basic hypergeometric series are obtained. 本文运用基本超几何级数求和的一个简单算法,求得一些基本超几何级数的求和公式。
The s-wave bound states of the Klein-Gordon equation and Dirac equation with equal Manning-Rosen scalar and vector potentials are obtained, and the solutions are expressed by the hypergeometric function. 给出了具有Manning-Rosen型标量势与矢量势的Klein-Gordon方程和Dirac方程的束缚态解,其解可用超几何函数表示。
The basic hypergeometric series was studied essentially started in 1748 by Euler. 基本超几何级数最早是在1748年由欧拉(Euler)开始研究。
The contents is as follows: 1. Based on two hypergeometric expansion formulae of trigonometric functions, we combine their derivatives with the symmetric functions and establish numerous infinite series identities involving the harmonic numbers. 从两个三角函数的超几何级数展开式出发,利用导数算子和对称函数,建立了众多的含有Harmonic数的无穷级数求和公式。
Then we study the structure of bivariate q-hypergeometric term. 紧接着,我们对q-双超几何项的结构进行了研究。
With hypergeometric series method several binominal coefficient identities are constructed. 利用二项式系数为元素构造出几个二项式系数和的封闭形恒等式。
The proof of a total elliptical integral replacement formula with the hypergeometric function 用超几何函数证明全椭圆积分的一个替换公式
Furthermore, some new Rogers-ramanujan type identities are obtained by a transformation of basic hypergeometric series. 接着,由一个级数变换出发,获得了若干个新的Rogers-Ramanujan类型恒等式。
Hypergeometric Series Method for Riemann-Zeta Function and Combinatorial Identities Riemann-Zeta函数的超几何级数方法和组合恒等式
Using the two basic recurrence formulae that double hypergeometric terms satisfy, we get the general form of such representation. 利用双超几何项的两个基本递推关系,我们导出了这种表示的一般形式。
This dissertation studies the applications of the inversion techniques and its equivalent form in finding and proving the hypergeometric series identities. 本文探讨了反演技术及其等价的形式在寻求和证明超几何级数恒等式方面的应用。
Consequently, holonomic double hypergeometric terms are all proper, which modifies the identities that can be proved automatically. 从而完整双超几何项必然是正则的。这就对可机械证明的恒等式进行了刻划。