These results relate to the optimality of a schedule at some of the vertices of a hyperrectangle of r dimension consisting of the varying parameters. 这些结果与调度在一个由变化参数构成的超矩形的一些顶点上的最优性有关。
Moreover, the time set considered is a hyperrectangle which is more general than a hyper-square used by Zacharie ( 2001). 考虑的参数点集是一般的超长方体.而不是Zacharie(2001)考虑的超正方体。
In the ITS, the neighbor space of current solution is partitioned by a set of concentric hyperrectangles. Inside each concentric hyperrectangle, one point is randomly selected as a neighbor of the current solution. 在ITS算法中,既考虑到多样性搜索策略,将当前点的邻域空间用一组同心超矩形进行划分,在每个外围同心超矩形中随机选取一个点组成部分邻域;
A hyperrectangle rules extraction ( HRE) algorithm is proposed to extract rules from trained SVM. 提出了一种基于SVM的超矩形规则提取算法HRE。