I'm not gonna hyphenate my name, bob. 我不想要我的名字后面加连字符,鲍勃。
To hyphenate a document as you type, click Language on the Tools menu, and then click Hyphenation. 如果希望在键入过程中对文档进行断字,可单击工具菜单中语言子菜单中的断字命令。
To hyphenate a document as you type, click Hyphenation on the Tools menu. 要想在键入时对文档进行断字,可从工具菜单中选择断字命令。
I've chosen to hyphenate my last name. 我选择了保留自己的姓。
Application of FT-IR and Hyphenate Techniques to Composties FT-IR及联用技术在复合材料领域中的应用
To establish a multi-dimensional separation platform, there are mainly two factors to be considered carefully. One is how to choose appropriate separation modes for hyphenation and the other is how to hyphenate them. 多维色谱分离平台建立过程中最重要的两方面一是选用何种分离模式联用,二是如何实现联用。