
英 [ˈaɪsɪz] 美 [ˈaɪsɪz]

n.  冰; 冰场; 溜冰场; 冰块
v.  在(糕饼上)加糖霜


  1. N-UNCOUNT 冰;冰块;冰层
    Ice is frozen water.
    1. Glaciers are moving rivers of ice...
    2. The ice is melting.
    3. ...a bitter lemon with ice.
  2. VERB 为(蛋糕)挂糖衣(或糖霜)
    If you ice a cake, you cover it with icing.
    1. I've iced and decorated the cake.
  3. N-COUNT 同 ice cream
    An ice is an ice cream .
    1. He's eaten a lot of choc ices.
  4. See also: iced icing
  5. See also: That sort of approach should go a long way toward breaking the ice... The major purpose of his trip was to break the ice, and his itinerary so far has been packed full. ice-breaker
  6. PHRASE 起不到什么作用;没多大影响
    If you say that something cuts no ice with you, you mean that you are not impressed or influenced by it.
    1. That sort of romantic attitude cuts no ice with money-men.
  7. PHRASE 延迟;搁置
    If someone puts a plan or project on ice, they delay doing it.
    1. The deal was put on ice for three months...
      该交易被搁置了 3 个月。
    2. The $40 million-a-month aid payments will remain on ice.
      每月 4,000 万美元的援助款项将继续搁置下去。
  8. PHRASE 冒风险;如履薄冰
    If you say that someone is on thin ice or is skating on thin ice, you mean that they are doing something risky which may have serious or unpleasant consequences.
    1. I had skated on thin ice and, so far, got away with it.


  1. He's eaten a lot of choc ices.
  2. The report confirms that Arctic ices are melting faster than previously predicted and sea level rise as been accelerating and will continue to do so.
  3. To make the occasion even more memorable, she treated everyone to lemonade, cake, chocs and ices.
  4. An additional wonder generated here are the bright glaciers, where ices are formed into various shapes like bridges, pagodas and others.
  5. When a road ices over it can be extremely dangerous.
  6. Loose collections of these ices and small rocky particles form into comets.
  7. Regarding reporter's doubts, Li Bing ices the name to paste this to be helpful to the calm mood, calms the nerves, has the help regarding the vertebra and each aspect.
  8. The comet's ices, heated By the sun, rapidly and spectacularly suBlimate to gas.
  9. We all had some splendid pigeon pie, and ices to follow.
  10. Rivers run with gusto as the Midwest ices that stilled them melt into memory.
  11. Replacing conventional ICEs with fuel cells enables the use of a flat chassis, which gives designers great freedom to create unique body styles.
  12. The pond usually ices over by mid-January.
  13. Changes in physical and chemical factors under ices in seawater ponds during a wintering period
  14. The children were licking at the ices.
  15. Composed primarily of ices, most comets circle the dark fringes of the solar system, barely within the sun's gravitational grasp.
  16. Some engineers use ICEs heavily during their embedded system's development process.
  17. He went over and bought ices and lollipops for the children.
  18. Should I, after tea and cakes and ices.
  19. She decided to find the unknown place where he was burried by snows and ices.
  20. From the aspects of the bottleneck problem of campus network, the equipments, the technology and the security, this article expatiates on the problems of how to optimize the web, how to utilize the bend-width effectively and how to avoid unnecessary ices of speed, etc.
  21. Some believe that this idea came from cooled wines and different flavored ices in persia.
  22. The paper gives discussions on design plan, function and character ices of the ZJK Test Bench for turbocharger Dynamic Balance as well as on solving of technical issues.
  23. Another story says Marco Polo took recipes for fruit ices from China to Europe in the13th century.
  24. Fruit ices ( nondairy frozen desserts) were introduced into Europe from the East sometime after being first described by Marco Polo in his journals.
  25. I proposed that we should all go and eat ices in the park.
  26. Ice jam flood: a lot of frazil ices and crushed ices gather under the covering ice, causing heading up of water level of upper reach.
  27. I go to college when liked the beer which drank ices, but was actually very little drinks to the white liquor, perhaps was the mature need, did not repel to the white liquor.
  28. Vaporizing ices from the comet included cyanogen and diatomic carbon, both gases that glow green in sunlight out in the vacuum of space.
  29. A recent study suggests, however, that permafrost ices below the surface of Mars may have altered the effects of impact on it.
  30. The velocity in Pacific circumfluence becoming slower is caused by sea ice decrease around the South Pole continent and sea ices in Drake Passage play more important role than others.