ICM is an internationally patented call waiting service suited to the domestic market. 因特网呼叫管理(ICM)是一项获得国际专利的、适合国内市场需求的呼叫等待服务。
ICM RME provides services to applications that need to understand text or correlate between text and certain objects ( for example, personalization or general data classification applications). ICMRME提供的服务使应用程序能够理解文本或文本和特定对象之间的关系(例如,个性化或一般数据分类应用程序)。
Using Concept Modeling techniques, ICM RME has the unique capability of serving multiple applications from a single knowledge base. 通过使用概念建模(ConceptModeling)技术,ICMRME提供了用单一知识库为多个应用程序服务的独特功能。
Based on the taxonomy, a KB is trained for auto-classification using ICM 使用ICM根据分类法对自动分类所用的知识库进行训练
The result is a KB that can be used in conjunction with applications powered by ICM. 可以在利用ICM功能的应用程序中结合使用生成的知识库。
As mentioned above, the integration of the ICM server with OmniFind requires an extension module to be loaded into OmniFind. 正如前面提到的,对ICM服务器和OmniFind进行集成需要将一个扩展模块装载进OmniFind中。
When satisfied with the classification quality of the trained KB, you need to export the KB to the ICM server. 如果对训练后的知识库的分类质量满意了,就需要将知识库导出到ICM服务器。
Most of the algorithmic effort in the development of ICM RME was invested in how to automatically create and tune classifiers. 在开发ICMRME时,大多数算法开发工作集中在如何自动地对分类器进行创建和调优。
In the described setup, you need to publish a taxonomy both to ICM and OmniFind. 根据前面描述的设置,需要将分类法发布给ICM和OmniFind。
The final product is a production-ready KB, for use with ICM-based applications. 最终产生一个适合生产使用的知识库,供基于ICM的应用程序使用。
I also placed entries in the/ etc/ hosts files for the ICM DNS alias. 我还在/etc/hosts文件中添加了ICMDNS别名的条目。
One important advantage of ICM RME KB is the ability to mix rules and statistics. ICMRME知识库的重要优点之一是,它能够将规则(rule)和统计信息(statistic)混合在一起。
An ICM RME KB is represented as a tree of nodes, with each node containing statistical knowledge or rules that assist the system in classifying text. ICMRME知识库表示为节点树,每个节点包含统计学知识和规则,用来帮助系统对文本进行分类。
ICM RME's technology is different from standard classification techniques; it emphasizes cleanness and transparency. ICMRME的技术与标准的分类技术不一样;它强调干净和透明。
ICM RME receives this message and processes it in two main phases: a multilingual Natural Language Processing ( NLP) phase, and a language-independent statistic Concept Modeling phase. ICMRME接收这个消息并分两个主要阶段处理它:多语种的自然语言处理(NaturalLanguageProcessing,NLP)阶段,以及独立于语言的统计性的概念建模(ConceptModeling)阶段。
The result of ICM RME processing is a list of categories or intents embedded in the original text. ICMRME处理的结果是原始文本中隐含的一系列目录或意图。
ICM RME's algorithmic infrastructure is a unique self-learning engine, capable of classifying textual information, even in imperfect and noisy situations. ICMRME的算法基础设施是一个独特的自学习的引擎,即使在不完善且有噪声的场景中,也能够对文本信息进行分类。
ICM RME provides a mature technology that can adapt to real-world changes and continuously provide accuracy levels that make it valuable in a variety of real-world, mission-critical applications. ICMRME提供了一种成熟的技术,它可以吸收真实环境中的变化,并一直提供很好的精确性,这使它在各种真实环境和任务关键应用程序中很有价值。
ICM/ IT will also integrate functionally for traditional IT roles. ICM/IT职能也将被整合至传统的IT部门中。
She is working with numerous celebrities and advisors from talent agencies IMG and ICM to develop branded apps. 舍尔目前正和不少明星以及来自IMG和ICM人才经纪公司的咨询师合作,开发品牌应用。
Objective: Investigate the values of radionuclide imaging in ischemic cardiomyopathy ( ICM) patients'diagnosis and curative effects evaluating. 目的探讨核素显像对缺血性心肌病(ICM)的诊断价值和疗效评价价值。
Research on Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Clonal Selection Algorithm and ICM 克隆选择算法和ICM的图像自动分割方法研究
The results will provide important clues for the parameterization improvement and parameters optimization of the ICM. 结果可为进一步改进动态植被模式的参数化方案和优化模型参数提供一定参考。
The MCM/ ICM judges are primarily interested in the team's approach and methods. MCM/ICM的评判主要是依据参赛队的解决方法和步骤。
That ICM will let us use the boardroom. 那些icm允许我使用会议室。
Following the Broder deal, ICM's revenues are believed to be about$ 200m. 在收购Broder之后,ICM的收入据信达到了约2亿美元。
ICM, the Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling, is a part of MCM. 交叉学科建模竞赛,是MCM的一个组成部分。
The Broder deal strengthened ICM's position in tele-vision at a critical time. Broder交易在关键时刻巩固了ICM在电视行业的地位。
This has led to new opportunities for ICM. 这为icm带来新的机遇。