The tables you see below map almost identically to those presented in the main body of this article. 你在下面看到的表与文章正文中的基本相同。
This mechanism functions almost identically to an HTTP Basic Authentication header by providing a user name and password with every request. 这种机制的功能与HTTPBasicAuthentication头几乎一样,它也是对每个请求都提供用户名和密码。
The pseudo-code for this program almost identically matches its Scheme implementation. 这个程序的伪代码几乎与其Scheme实现完全相同。
NULL values of compatible data types are treated identically; those of non-compatible data types may not be. 对兼容数据类型的NULL值的处理是完全相同的;对不兼容数据类型的NULL值的处理可能不相同。
Note how it works identically to the original JSP version. 注意它的结果与原来的JSP版本完全一致。
Both scripts function identically. 两个脚本的作用相同。
Applications running on similar architectures can rely on their common platforms to interpret the type identically. 运行在同一架构上的应用程序可以依赖它们共同的平台来对该类型的数据做出相同的解释。
In this article, we will address the user tree only, keeping in mind that the user and system trees behave identically. 在本文中,我们将只针对用户树,要记住用户和系统树的行为是一样的。
Server farms consist of large numbers of low-cost machines running identically configured application servers or clusters. 服务器机群包含大量运行不同配置应用程序服务器的低成本计算机或集群。
The two trees behave identically, but they have different purposes. 这两个树的行为完全相同,但是它们有不同的目的。
Decimals of the same value in the partitioning key are treated identically, even if their scale and precision differ. 对分区键中相同值的小数的处理是完全相同的,即使它们的标度和精度不同。
This is why both versions of Q4 perform approximately identically. 这就是两种版本的Q4执行结果类似的原因。
Unless a format file is used, these tables must be identically defined. 除非使用格式化文件,否则这些表的定义必须相同。
The body must return identically to its original condition when the loads are released. 当去掉载荷时,物体必须恢复到与原来完全一样的状态。
Thus, it has to be done identically in both the encoder and decoder. 因此,我们必须保证编码器和解码器中有相同的实现。
They knew that it was more important to treat everyone fairly than it was to treat them identically. 他们明白,根据球员特色分别对待每一个人比同一化地对待他们更重要。
Each created instance will be identically configured, but have a distinct identity. 每个创建好的实例会有完全相同的配置,但会有不同的身份。
The paper discuss the upper bound of the distribution of the partial sums of identically distributed mixing random variables. 本文讨论了同分布混合序列部分和分布函数的上界及其应用。
Many passages are identically the same, word for word. 许多段落逐字逐句都是一模一样的。
This operation requires the merged cells to be identically sized. 此操作要求合并单元格都具有相同大小。
While samples under non-repetition sampling are identically distributed but not independent, so they are not simple random samples. 而不重复抽样下的样本同分布但不独立,因而不是简单随机样本。
Well, if this bond has completely identically equal sharing of electrons, then this bond will be nonpolar. 如果一根键连的两个原子,对键上的电子吸引程度是完全等价的,那么这根键是非极性的。
No matter which one you used, you can connect to other computers, as they operate identically. 无论你选择使用哪一个,你都可以连接到其他电脑上,当它们同等运行的时候。
Identically copied from an original. 根据一个原型同样复制的。
Beams and walls are identically considered as beam segments to simplify the definition and recognition of slabs. 通过将梁和墙统一表示成梁段这一辅助数据结构而简化板构件的定义和识别;
Fred and George, grinning identically; Bill, badly scarred and long-haired; 弗雷德和乔治,在一旁笑嘻嘻地;
A conjunction ( like` and 'or` or') that connects two identically constructed grammatical constituents. 连接两个结构相同的合乎语法成分的连接词(象‘and’或‘or’)。
This ensures that all cluster instances function identically. 这就确保了所有集群实例功能保持一致。
Independent and identically distributed variables 独立与同分布的变量
The law of large numbers for sum of partial sums on identically distributed PA sequences 同分布PA序列部分和之和的弱大数定律