The virtue of courage has been admired by the ancient ideologists, and the courage spirit has inspired people to be energetic and enterprising. 勇敢之德一直为古代思想家所推崇,勇敢精神也一直激励着人们刚健进取。
Party ideologists like to criticise democracy for its inefficiency, but vehicles where dissent can be openly expressed are a vital safety valve and a way of improving government effectiveness. 但自由的媒体,持不同政见的人能够公开发表自己的言论是一个社会重要的安全阀,也是增进政府效率的重要方式。
Party ideologists accused her of deviation. 党内理论家谴责她背离了党的信条。
Mably and Gong Zizhen respectively are illuminative ideologists in the period of social transformation of France and china, both of them stressfully cared social issues, they got into officialdom at first and then secluded for writing books in the end. 摘要马布利与龚自珍分别是法国和中国社会变革时代的启蒙思想家,他们都关注社会问题,都是先入官场而后隐居著书的。
After Confucius, a large number of great ideologists and educationists appeared, most of whom believed in Confucianism. 孔子之后,出现了许多伟大的思想家和教育家,他们大都信奉儒家思想。
Some of the above-mentioned ideologists were quite famous, for example, Mencius is one of them. 他们中的一些非常有名,孟子就是其中之一。
Confucius is one of ancient china's most famous ideologists and educators. 摘要孔子是我国古代伟大的思想家、教育家。
How to look to the relationship between "reason" and "desire" is not only a hot issue, which was argued by Chinese ideologists in ancient time, but also an essence of ethics studying in the Song and Ming Dynasties. 如何看待“理”、“欲”之间的关系问题,是中国古代思想家们争论的一个热点问题,也是宋明理学的核心内容。
The research just deals with the relationship between Marx and: he ideologists who influenced him. 这一研究,也就是研究马克思和影响他的思想家之间的关系。
Western ideologists Locke, Hegel, Pound, Bosna, Royce provided theoretic proofs, from different angles, on the basis of legality of property right. 西方思想家洛克、黑格尔、庞德、波斯纳、罗尔斯分别从不同的角度对财产权的合法性基础提供了理论上的论证。
The second part retrospects the legal values of morality through the exploration of ideologists, the analysis of the academic theories and the summons of the reality; 第二部分通过思想家的探索、学理的分析和现实的呼唤指明了道德的法治价值之依据;
The ideologists in Late Ming Dynasty generated direct and important influences on the literary thought trends. 晚明的文人思想家们,对晚明文学思潮的产生有着直接重要的影响。
In the course of Chinese enlightenment campaign from the late of the 19th century to the early of the 20th century, the enlightening ideologists emphasized the enlightenment of the national characters on criticizing the system and ethic of household. 在中国十九世纪末二十世纪初的启蒙运动中,启蒙思想家们将启蒙国民性的重点放在了批判儒家思想中的家族制度和家族伦理上。
The Famous Chinese Ideologists and Scholars in 20th Century 20世纪中国的大思想家与大学问家
Han Fei's immoral political views have surpassed other ideologists 'moral political views and limit of some wise men's political theories, and affirmed the rightness of seeking profits. 韩非的非道德政治观超越了先秦其它思想家的道德政治观以及贤人政治理论的局限,肯定了追求利益行为的正当性。
Nehru and Li Guangyao are the famous political ideologists of India and Singapore at present. 尼赫鲁和李光耀是亚洲现代时期印度和新加坡的著名政治思想家。
When the ideologists reached the highness of cultural animadversion, the objects of philosophy have changed, at the same time the character and forms of philosophy have also changed. 当思想家们的思想触角到达文化批判这一高度时,哲学的批判对象已经发生了变化,哲学自身的性质和形态也会随之发生变化。
In modern or ancient times, in China or elsewhere, many ideologists comprehend the phenomenon of the ideological and political education from the view of activity. It provides us historic experiences in the study. 古今中外的许多思想家都从活动视角来认识思想政治教育现象,为我们研究提供了历史借鉴。
When Majority Rule became the main rule of politics in modern times, its self-evident supremacy and authority was meanwhile kept an eye out for and criticized by many ideologists. 在多数决于近代成为政治运行的主要规则后,它既具有不言而喻的至高性和权威性,同时也为诸多思想家所警惕和批评。
George Eliot is a progressive writer who has been influenced by her contemporary ideologists in the Victorian age. 乔治·艾略特是维多利亚时代一位具有进步思想的女作家,她受到与她同时代的进步思想家的深刻的影响。
Jean-Jacques Rousseau is one of the great ideologists in the enlightenment of France, and also a disputed one. 让·雅克·卢梭是法国启蒙运动中伟大的思想家之一,同时也是备受争议的一名思想家。
Historically speaking, ancient ideologists tended to analyze it in the framework of knowledge and opinion, and thereupon the usual conclusion was that Majority Rule is not practicable. 从历史角度来看,古代的思想家往往将多数决放在知识与意见的框架下进行分析和看待,而通常的结论便是多数决具有不可行性。
In 300 years, it produced dozens of excellent ideologists, together with the ideological content of these ideologists enriching and the theory constantly improving, the critique of capitalism was more and more profound. 在这三百多年间,产生了数十位优秀的思想家,这些思想家们的思想内容经过不断充实,理论不断完善,对资本主义的批判越来越深刻。
In the basis of their analysis and animadversion on the views of the earlier ideologists, the classical authors of Marxism explained their views of right by the method of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. 他们在批判、分析早期思想家权利理论和主张的同时,以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的观点与方法,阐明自己的权利观。
So the German Enlightenment ideologists could not widely discuss issues widely of the political, legal and other social problems like British and French ideologists, but had a series of reform movements in philosophy, literature, music, education and other culture fields. 因此德国启蒙思想家不能像英法思想家那样广泛探讨政治、法律等社会问题,而是在哲学、文学、教育和音乐等文化领域进行一系列的变革运动。
Of all ages, in order to resolve variety of problems, many politicians and ideologists have been wild about this issue, attempting to exhume some new value and significance. 古往今来,有不少政治家和思想家都曾热衷于探讨这个问题,企图从中发掘出新的价值和意义,以便用来解决现实中的种种问题。
Ideologists from home and abroad have different opinions about the definition of economic justice. 对于什么是经济正义,中外思想家们的回答各不相同,可以说对何为正义莫衷一是。
According to such theory, Japan ideologists proposed the concept of modern constitutional government and the concept of the parliamentary system. 依据这种理论,日本思想家们提出了近代化的宪政思想和议会制思想。
Hence, Wright tried to clarify and re-explain many basic Marxist concepts within the framework of Marxist theory by absorbing and using other contemporary ideologists for reference. 因此,赖特试图在马克思主义的理论框架内,吸收和借鉴其它当代思想家的认识方法和理论观点,对马克思主义的许多基本概念加以澄清并重新予以阐述。
It has experienced a long historical process since Equality idea emerged, and ideologists never give up their pursuit and exploration for Equality. 平等思想自出现以来,已经历了漫长的历史过程。期间,思想家们对平等的追求和探索也从未间断过。