
美 [ˈaɪdiəlɔgz]

n.  理论家; 思想家; 空想家


  1. 同 ideologist
    An ideologue is the same as an ideologist .


    1. John McCain has always stood for limited, principled government, and has distanced himself throughout his career from the religious ideologues that have warped Republicanism.
    2. Speaking in Jakarta after the US and China announced fresh strides on jointly tackling climate change before a global summit next year, Mr Kerry hit out at a tiny minority of shoddy scientists and extreme ideologues trying to hijack the debate.
    3. Free-market ideologues don't want governments to think at all; and Keynesians want governments to think only about the short run, because they take to an extreme John Maynard Keynes 'famous quip, In the long run we are all dead.
    4. These books remind me of the extruded foodstuffs in packages festooned with the names of medical doctors that real-food ideologues now counsel against.
    5. The non-profit sector is full of people who are ideologues, unsympathetic to financial realities.
    6. For all that, one might have thought that the events of the past few years would have given even the most partisan ideologues on the right pause for thought.
    7. The ideologues are applying a new litmus test for such deals whether an industry is "surnamed Chinese or surnamed foreign".
    8. The political meaning of the Bible is not something invented by secular ideologues bent on distracting us from our worship of God.
    9. And ideologues have resorted to previously taboo weapons, such as the threat of default.
    10. Regardless of what Americans want to believe, or what nonsensical rhetoric they embrace from right wing ideologues, heaven, hell, and the rest of the World move on.
    11. Pragmatists like the current prime minister, Baburam Bhattarai, managed to overrule party ideologues who do not want full integration and still openly oppose the deal.
    12. But, as Mr Bernanke tells him: "There are no atheists in foxholes and no ideologues in financial crises."
    13. Most people who aren't hopeless laissez-faire ideologues are twigging to the fact that China's state-directed capitalism is running rings around America's private-sector capitalism right now.
    14. Frequently they assumed that we were ideologues of some sort, that we were living without electricity to make a point about the dry rot of Western civilization.
    15. Only the rulers of Cuba, Venezuela, Iran and some ideologues in the west condemn capitalism.
    16. Independence for small break-away provinces is one of the few subjects that turn Chinese diplomats from cool-headed calculators of national self-interest into brittle ideologues.
    17. On the other hand, the panel is at least not dominated by ideologues implacably opposed to compromise from the outset.