Usually, the concepts of workspaces and projects cause a lot of confusion among newcomers because the definition of Eclipse's projects is different from projects in other IDEs. 通常,工作空间和项目的概念在新手中造成了很多混淆之处,因为Eclipse中项目的定义不同于其他IDE中的项目。
You can choose from several IDEs with a variety of supported features. 您可以从几个具有各种受支持特性的IDE中进行选择。
Although this approach enables consistency and transcends IDEs, it is also slightly reactionary. 尽管这种方法使一致性成为可能并超越了IDE,但它也有一点反作用。
Other IDEs have added many of the capabilities that Eclipse includes. 其他的IDE已经添加了许多Eclipse包含的功能。
You should be able to achieve the same results in other IDEs and application servers that support similar technologies. 您应能够在其他IDE和支持相似技术的应用程序服务器中实现相同的结果。
Interestingly, many early adopters of Eclipse migrated from text editors rather than from other IDEs. 有趣的是,很多早期采用Eclipse的用户都是从文本编辑器上迁移过来的,而不是从其他IDE上迁移过来的。
The typical supporting tools for TFP are good integrated development environments ( IDEs) and unit test frameworks. 支持TFP的典型工具是良好的集成开发环境(integrateddevelopmentenvironmentsIDEs)和单元测试框架。
The last feature I found in all these IDEs was support for both canned and custom code snippets. 在所有这些IDE中我发现的最后一个特性是对于整段和定制代码片段的支持。
A few of the XML IDEs mentioned below have recently come out with test data capabilities. 下面提到的几个XMLIDEs最近已增加了测试数据功能。
There are several good Java language integrated development environments ( IDEs). 有几个好的Java语言集成开发环境(IDE)。
This process works with most modern interactive development environments ( IDEs), such as Eclipse. 这一过程与大多数现代化的交互式开发环境(IDEs)工作很好,例如Eclipse。
Almost all Integrated Development Environments ( IDEs), such as Eclipse, support the concept of code folding. Eclipse等几乎所有集成开发环境(IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment,IDE)都支持代码折叠的概念。
It is one of the most widely used integrated development environment ( IDEs) for development. 它是用于开发的、使用得最广泛的集成开发环境(IDE)之一。
Considered by many to be just a "toy" programming language, IDEs and debuggers were sorely lacking. 很多人都将其视为一种“玩具”编程语言,IDE和调试器都非常缺乏。
IDEs and simple code editors become hosted pieces of software that are accessible to developers with an Internet connection. IDE和简单代码编辑器将成为开发人员使用Internet连接访问的承载软件。
You can integrate Ext JS framework development into several popular integrated development environments ( IDEs), including Eclipse, Aptana, and Komodo. 可以在几种流行的集成开发环境(IDE)中进行ExtJS开发,包括Eclipse、Aptana和Komodo。
Fortunately browsers have evolved; today both Firefox and Chrome offer IDEs for executing JavaScript. 幸运的是浏览器已经发展了;今天不论Firefox还是Chrome都提供了用于执行JavaScript的IDE。
Implementing Tapestry components is easy with most Java IDEs that support Web application development. 使用支持Web应用程序开发的大多数JavaIDE实现Tapestry组件非常简单。
I can't stand the ides that old people can't be beautiful. 我不能忍受老年人不能漂亮这种看法。
Modern IDEs come equipped with "intelligent" editors and powerful refactoring toolkits that make code changes easy. 现代IDE一般都配备了“智能”编辑器和令代码变更容易的强大的重构工具。
InfoQ: What do you think about the integration of bug trackers with the mainstream IDEs? InfoQ:对于bug追踪器与主流IDE的集成,你怎么看?
This news item belongs to our series about IDEs for dynamic languages. 这一条新闻属于我们有关动态语言IDE系列文章的一部分。
In modern IDEs, all necessary type information can be found at the tip of your mouse pointer. 在现代的IDE中,所有必要的类型信息都能被找到,并作为鼠标指针的提示出现。
Tight integration with the leading IDEs and SCMs simplifies incorporating Repository Manager into existing enterprise development environments. 与先进IDE和SCM工具的紧密集成简化了企业将RepositoryManager纳入他们现有的开发环境的工作。
Dynamic language support is becoming an increasingly common part of Java IDEs. 对动态语言的支持正日益成为JavaIDE的一个常见部分。
The topic Testing in other IDEs describes how to create and run tests with command-line tools. 在其他IDE中测试一章讲述了如何使用命令行工具创建和运行测试。
Above all, IDES shows you the possibilities of the integrated applications in the SAP System. 最重要的是,IDES能够给你展示SAP系统综合的应用程序可能发生的事情。
Support writing test automation code using real languages, with real IDEs. 支持使用真正的开发语言、真正的IDE来编写自动化测试代码。
As I said above, there are already plenty of good Java IDEs anyway. 正如我刚才所说,已经有很多优秀的JavaIDE了。
I also anticipate plugin support in major IDEs like Eclipse or Netbeans, although this will come later. 我也期望在主要的IDE中,例如Eclipse或者Netbeans会有插件支持,尽管现在还没有。