With a keen eye for spotting incidents of corporate idiocy, she manages to correct or reverse them with a steely resolve delivered with a soft message. 她的一双慧眼非常善于发现公司的昏招,之后她就会通过掩盖在柔和指令下的铁腕手段来纠正、逆转这类问题。
National defense spending. The fatal effects of clothing. The relationship of diet to national destiny. Much of it was ephemera or idiocy, best forgotten. 教育改革,国防开支,衣物对身体的致命影响,饮食习惯对民族命运的影响,这些要么是蜉蝣撼大树,要么超级白痴,只有被遗忘的下场。
Age: As old as idiocy itself. 时代:和愚昧本身一样久远。
It occurred to me that I'd been living here in Bali for two months already and had not yet seen the beach, which now seemed like sheer idiocy, so I said yes. 我突然想到自己在巴厘岛住了两个月之久,却还没见过海滩,简直荒唐,于是我说好。
Would you be willing to listen to my ideas on how you could achieve greater idiocy with less wasted effort? 你愿意听我的建议来让你这个大白痴少浪费气力吗?
Show one's ( true) colors Stealing a car and then driving it drunk was the ultimate idiocy. 偷了车然后醉酒开车真是愚蠢到极点。
Error message boxes stop the proceedings with idiocy and should be avoided. 错误消息框愚蠢地停止进度,应该避免。
I realized then the total idiocy of the easy and absurd resolutions I had made. 这时我才了解到我所下的决定是多么草率与荒谬。
You say your hair is gone?' he said with an air almost of idiocy. 你说你的头发一去不复返了?他说时几乎带着白痴的神情。
The joke is in the gap between the normal idiocy of business communication and the abnormal idiocy of the spider. 其好笑之处,在于商业交流中的正常白痴行为与使用蜘蛛图这一非正常白痴行为之间的差距。
When the easy water cold crest wears a murmur to leave, the that extremely bossy Pu much more western young master has already become an idiocy of standard, will hurtle a person silly smile. 当易水寒顶着咕噜离开,那个作威作福的普西多少爷已经成为一个标准的白痴,只会冲着人傻笑。
In this war there is an idiocy without bounds. 这次战争疯癫得没底。
Syphilis transmits idiocy, insanity, and deformity by heredity, but it is also said that it is capable of stimulating genius. 梅毒在遗传上产生白痴、疯狂和残疾,但据说也能剌激天才。
Now, was it not the depth of absurdity& of genuine idiocy, for that pitiful, slavish, mean-minded brach to dream that I could love her? 是啊,那种可怜的,奴性的,下流的母狗纯粹的白痴竟还梦想我能爱她岂不是荒谬透顶!
Marriage is always a hopeless idiocy for a woman who has enough of her own to live upon. 对一个自己有足够的生活资料的女人来说,结婚是一种不可救药的极端愚蠢的行为。
It's sheer idiocy to go climbing in such bad weather. 在这样恶劣的天气里去爬山简直是愚蠢到家了。
Like error dialogs, alerts and confirmations stop the proceedings, often with idiocy. Alerts and confirmations do not report malfunctions. 和错误对话框一样,警告和确认对话框也停止了进度,但同样愚蠢的是它们也常常不报告故障。
The morning mist was gathering slowly in the valley, and that mist was you, getting more and more thick, more and more into the fancy, the romance, the idiocy of one's own life. 晨雾在山谷里慢慢聚集,这雾就是你,越来越厚,越来越深地进入幻境和浪漫,一个人生命的混沌状态。
Later, whether as stowaways on ships, planes and trains, or deliberately carried for utility, vanity or idiocy, newly arrived species have delighted and intrigued. 之后,无论是从轮船、飞机和火车上偷渡而来,或是人类出于使用、虚荣或愚蠢的动机刻意携带,外来物种给人类带来了喜悦与惊奇。
His ising unlike is the idiocy for losing her heading, also being unlike is the passivism for seeing through the emptiness of the world. 他不像是失去理智的白痴,也不像是看破红尘的消极主义者。
My job is to serve as a human shield, to protect my people from external intrusions, distractions, and idiocy of every stripe& and to avoid imposing my own idiocy on them as well. 我的任务是成为一道屏障,保护我的员工远离外部的侵扰,令他们分心的事物,要避免他们做出各种蠢事,还要避免将自己做的各种蠢事归咎于他们。
Figure 11-2: This is an ugly, useless error message box that stops the proceedings with idiocy. 图11-2这是一个丑陋而无用的错误消息对话框,它极端愚蠢地停止进度。
But I'll not believe this idiocy! 可我不能相信这件蠢事!
Figure 11-3: Here is a horrible confirmation box that stops the proceedings with idiocy. 图11-3这是一个可怕的确认对话框,愚蠢地中止程序的进行。
Shine on a demon mirror: Idiocy! Do you think that surrendering her pass you for the meeting? Today say what also want with her put together have already hear? 照妖镜:白痴!你以为投降她就会放过你们吗?今天说什么也要跟她拼了听到没有?
Manager: He said I was an idiocy fronting others. 秘书:为什么?经理:他竟在别人面前说我是糊涂虫。
The fact that positive reactions were found in 11 serum samples out of 42 obtained from persons with congenital idiocy showed that there was higher positive infection rate in congenitally idiotic persons than in normal ones. 并发现,42名先天性痴呆患者血清中有11例阳性,其阳性率明显高于正常人群组。