The rock and roll ignites the excitement of the audience. 摇滚乐激起了观众的热情。
Petrol ignites very easily. 汽油很容易着火。
An electric spark ignites the petrol in a car engine. 电火花点燃了汽车引擎。
If it ignites, the whiskey is good. 如果它燃烧了,那么威士忌酒是是上好的。
Y: I turn the key, the engine ignites. Y:我拧车钥匙,引擎发动。
As a result, even the smallest courtesies kindle a fire that ignites chemistry and builds kinship. 结果,即便最小的礼貌也会激发融洽感、点燃亲密的火焰。
Ignites the charge by striking the primer. 通过打击雷管点燃装料。
A polluted engine may cause fire as the deposited dirt ignites after the engine has warmed up. 发动机预热后,被污染的发动机可因堆积的灰尘起火而造成火灾。
As the first rocket burns out, the second stage motor ignites. 火箭第一节燃料用完的时候,第二节就点燃了。
Conventional physics holds that nuclear fusion ignites at multimillion-degree temperatures. 传统物理学认为,要引发核融合反应,必须将温度提高到数百万度。
Ignites enemies with balls of fire and the breath of dragons. 用火球和龙息术来点燃敌人。
Chemistry ignites the fire, but good character keeps it burning. 心跳的一瞬爱火点燃,好性格才能让其继续燃烧。
Warm the love your smile ignites. 温暖的爱被你的微笑点燃。
The mechanism that ignites the fuel in an internal-combustion engine. 在内燃机内点燃燃料的机械装置。
In this case, the scientist ignites a cloud of lycopodium spores. 在这段视频中,德国科学家点燃了一片石松属植物孢子。
Phosphine is a toxic gas which ignites spontaneously in air. 自燃通风煤气燃烧器磷化氢是一种有毒气体,在空气中可以自燃。
He ignites passion never known before. 他点燃了我从未感受过我的激情。
It ignites more easily than any other common gas and a high pressure leak can even ignite spontaneously. 它比任何其它的气体易燃,高压泄漏时能够自燃。作为计时器,漏刻的使用比日晷史为普遍。
It consists of one or more fuel tanks, a cylinder of compressed gas to supply the propelling force, and a flexible hose with a trigger-nozzle that ignites and sprays the fuel. 最基本的组合包括一辆或多辆燃料油车,一个供应推动力的压缩气汽缸,及一个可引燃喷射出的燃料的扳动喷射口。
In light wave work one separates from the movements of the land and ignites fusion light wave synergy into the biology and fusion body. 而在光波工作中,一个人就从土地的能量运动中分离开来,将融合光波协同点燃到生物体和融合体中。
A gunlock that has flint embedded in the hammer; the flint makes a spark that ignites the charge. 在锤子中含有燧石的扳机;燧石发出火花点燃装料。
Fits into the cylinder head of an internal-combustion engine and ignites the gas by means of an electric spark. 插入内燃机气缸盖通过电火花点燃气体。
Ignite one end and the other end catches fire, the heat from this piece ignites the area next to it and so on until the whole sheet is ablaze. 点燃这头,那头就会着火,这片纸的热使相临区域着火,照此下去,直到整张纸都燃烧起来。
It's the foundational element that ignites you! 这是点燃你的基本要素!
A substance that ignites and burns readily. 可燃物一种易点燃及燃烧的物质。
Love is pivotal as it is love and freedom ignites that life can be born and evolutionary fulfillment is fulfilled upon. 爱是枢纽和关键,因为正是爱和自由的点燃,才让生命诞生而进化成就实现。
Now The Streak has become this living, breathing thing that inspires and ignites. 现在连胜变成了具有激发和点燃激情的生动,鲜活的事实。
This type of rumination and agitation ignites stress hormones that keep us in a state of perpetual arousal. 这类沉思和忧虑激发压迫性荷尔蒙,使我们处在一种永久的唤醒状态。
The fuel ignites spontaneously from the heat created by the compression. 燃料由于压缩所产生的热量而开始自燃。
The returning April ignites the torches of life. 重回的四月点燃生命的火炬。