Suspicion and jealousy, however ill-founded, can poison a marriage. 怀疑和忌妒,不管多么站不住脚,都可能毒害婚姻。
Your argument is ill-founded. 你的理由站不住脚。
For, though your accusations were ill-founded, formed on mistaken premises, my behaviour to you at the time had merited the severest reproof. 虽然你的指斥都没有根据,都是听到人家以讹传讹,可是我那次对你的态度,实在应该受到最严厉的责备。
Developing the economy is the correct line, but development does not mean reckless or ill-founded expansion. 发展经济的路线是正确的路线,但发展不是冒险的无根据的发展。
Indeed, privatization advocates'faith in the superiority of private ownership is probably ill-founded for a number of reasons. 的确,私有化拥护者对私有制优越性的信念很大程度上是无事实根据的。
The Gospel of Luke was also intended to deepen Theophilus faith and to replace ill-founded reports about Jesus. 同时路加福音也是为了坚固深化提阿非罗的信心以及取代那些对耶稣的恶意报道。
Facts prove this conclusion is ill-founded. 事实表明,这一结论是完全站不住脚的。
The notion that interspecific hybrids are rare is ill-founded. 有一种看法认为种间杂种是罕见的,这种看法是无根据的。
He warned that their confidence was ill-founded. 他警告说他们的信心是靠不住的。
Both seemed to have been ill-founded worries. 上面的两个担心看来是没有正当理由的担心。
Furthermore, another thing going for evolution is simply the constant exposure of its ill-founded concepts to the general public. 此外,另一件事是如何演变为不断暴露其毫无根据的观念为广大市民。
Mr Sims wanted to let the data speak more freely, dropping ill-founded assumptions. 西马斯希望能抛弃那些不好的假设,让数据能展示的更自由。
The rumors proved to be ill-founded. 这些谣言已经不攻自破了。
Therefore, the view of land privatization is ill-founded and not a good solution to the issue of agriculture, countryside and farmers. 因此,土地私有化论者的观点是站不住脚的,土地私有化不是解决三农问题的良方。