But many leaders have invested their ill-gotten gains in several different countries. 但很多领导者已把他们的非法所得投资到了几个不同的国家。
Ill-gotten gains never prosper. 不义之财不发。
The other side of the coin of the burgeoning fortunes of the elite of course is the rising discontent from the have-less and have-nots that arises precisely because of the sense that the money washing across China and into the region and across the pacific is mostly ill-gotten. 社会精英阶层财富迅速膨胀的另一面,自然是穷人和无产者不满情绪日益加剧。这种情绪恰恰源于以下认识:在中国大地上奔流、涌入亚太地区、越过太平洋的那些钱,大部分是非法所得。
Given the gyrations in the mainland art market in the past few years, tigers and flies should have no trouble passing off their ill-gotten art collections as worthless. 由于中国内地艺术品市场在过去几年里呈现出来的周期性特点,老虎和苍蝇们应该不难将那些来路不正的艺术收藏品伪装为一文不值的藏品。
Financial institutions should help to trace illegal transactions, freeze assets and impound ill-gotten gains from illegal trafficking. 金融机构应帮助追踪非法交易、冻结资产,并没收来自非法贩运的非法所得。
Type '370,000' into a Google search and the site auto-completes it with 'in 1966.' Andy escapes in 1966 with$ 370,000 of the warden's ill-gotten gains. 在谷歌(Google)搜索里输入370000,后面会自动出现in1966。安迪在1966年拿着典狱长贪污的37万美元逃出了监狱。
Convicted criminals should be made to give up their ill-gotten gains. 应使被判有罪的犯人交出他们的非话所得。
South China's Guangdong province may reward those who report corruption according to the amount of ill-gotten money involved in the case. 广东省将对举报贪官的人予以奖励,奖金具体数额将与追赃金额挂钩。
The evil priest planned to return to Spain with his ill-gotten treasure, but he fell ill with a fever a week before his ship was scheduled to leave. 神父打算带着这些罪恶的财宝回西班牙去,但是开船前的一星期他发了高烧一病不起。
It takes away the lives of those who go after ill-gotten gains. 凡贪念不义之财的,都回被夺去夺财者的生命。
How would you explain all those ill-gotten gains. 你怎么解释所有的不正当收入?
Some in the industry suggested regulators were also concerned about securities executives absconding with ill-gotten gains while attention was diverted. 一些行业人士认为,监管机构同样担心,券商高管会在政府注意力转移时,携带非法所得潜逃。
Many of the victims would be innocent of past excesses, while many of the most guilty would retain their ill-gotten gains. 许多受害者没有犯下金融过度的错误,而同时,许多罪孽最深重的人则依然得到了来路不正的好处。
Who hasn't been tainted by ill-gotten information. 不被拖下水的人帮助。
There undoubtedly has been a property bubble, particularly in the major cities, with prices driven by speculative investment, as the few who have money often ill-gotten buy more property. 毫无疑问,房地产市场存在泡沫,尤其是在大城市,价格被投机资本推高,少数人用非法获得的资本购买更多的房产。
He escaped to South America with his ill-gotten gains. 他带着不义之财逃往南美。
We were savoring every bite of ill-gotten berry when all of a sudden the Jordan's backyard lights flicked on, and Mr. 正当我们细细品尝着这些来路不正的浆果时,突然,乔丹家后院的灯亮了,乔丹先生冲了出来。
Anybody looking at his ill-gotten gains? Irs looking into his shit? 有人在查他的非法收入吗?国税局怎么不查他的帐呢?
"A stranger without being told a word about us would know this house was built with ill-gotten gains," he said. “一个对我们毫不了解的陌生人,一看这所房子,就会知道它是用不义之财盖起来的。”瑞德说。
He even claims that he is using his ill-gotten wealth to employ his own personal army of mercenaries. 他甚至宣称自己用不义之财收买了由雇佣兵组成的私人部队。
The US detests Wall Street plutocrats for their ill-gotten gains, and it expects the rich to help get the federal budget under control but this is still a country that applauds work, brains, ingenuity and well-earned success. 美国憎恶华尔街财阀赚取不义之财,希望富人能帮助将联邦预算置于控制之下但美国也是一个为努力、才智、创造力与奋斗而来的成功喝彩的国家。
He put the six pesos into his wallet with a reluctant gesture, as if the money were ill-gotten gains. 他颇不情愿的将六便索放入口袋,好像是不义之财。
The motivation for the murders was primarily witness elimination. Reid's purpose in committing the robberies was financial gain, and some of the ill-gotten gains were used to purchase a car. 一般谋杀案的主要动机是消灭证人,但雷德实施抢劫是为了经济利益&他想发笔横财来买辆汽车。
It will, they say, protect the fortunes of corrupt officials and the ill-gotten gains of crooked businessmen. 他们称,该法律会保护贪腐官员的财产与不义商人的不当所得。
After listening brother's advice now seems as if the ill-gotten gains can point, but says: can not get the money of their own money. 现在好象听了哥们的劝,好象能发点不义之财了,可是俗话说:没到手的钱就不能算自己的银子。
The bank robbers went to Brazil to live on their ill-gotten gains. 那些银行抢窃者们到巴西去拿不义之财生活。
Selling one's strength for a living is no easy thing, so everyone hopes for some ill-gotten gains; 卖力气挣钱既是那么不容易,人人盼望发点邪财;
Those officials whose ill-gotten gains have been funnelled into owning multiple apartments will find themselves under new scrutiny. 那些利用不当收入买了多套住房的官员会发现自己将遭遇新的审查。
Often a combination of legal and illegal channels is used to make cross-border transfers of ill-gotten gains, the report said. 报告指出,通常他们使用合法和非法途径相结合的方式将非法所得转移到境外。
Now your problem is how to get your ill-gotten gains in. 现在的问题是怎么样把黑钱存进去。