I beg you would not put it into Lizzy's head to be vexed by his ill-treatment; for he is such a disagreeable man that it would be quite a misfortune to be liked by him. 我请求你别叫丽萃想起了他这种无礼的举动又生起气来;他是那么讨厌的一个人,被他看上了才叫倒霉呢。
Medical wastes are harmful to people'health especially when re-infect ion and environmental pollution occur due to the ill-treatment of them. 医疗废物是危险废物,若处理不当将引起二次传染和环境污染,危害人们身体健康。
Unable to stand ill-treatment there, he fled but was soon brought back to the monastery that forced him to resume secular life. 他不堪忍受医院的疾病,逃走后很快又被送回寺庙,被迫还俗。