The two passionate protagonists, Catherine and Heathcliff, take each other as the "ideal imago", seeking for their unity. 凯瑟琳和希克厉把对方视为自我的理想意象,追求着二者的合一。
The creation and formation of artistic conception is closely related to the construction and appreciation of imago. 意境的创造与生成离不开对意象的建构与赏玩。
We try to show a subject by imago contrast in movie. 我们试图通过片中的意象对比表现主题。
Liu Yong and Yan Shu who live in same time are deep love with the traditional imago. 生活在同一时期的柳永和晏殊对“夕阳”这个传统意象都情有独钟。
Imago Beautifulness of Traditional Chinese Graphics and Its Succession in Modern Designing 中国传统图形中的意象美及在现代艺术中的传承
Bi and Xing is closely related with the creation of imago. “比”、“兴”与意象创造有着密不可分的关系。
Imago and Imago Sculpt of Chinese Art of Pattern 谈中国图案艺术的意象性与意象造型
In this collected edition, there is much folklore culture which can be classified by the form of taste imago, the form of literary quotation and the form of literary object. 从语料学角度看,它的分布形态呈现为审美意象形态、典故形态和文学对象形态。
To great extension, the translation of cultural anthropology to classic culture imago needs deeper and more innovate study. 从很大程度讲,文化人类学对于经典文化意象的破译,有待于更为扎实深入和独具创意的研究。
In this activity, Imago Dialogue Technique is used to train and direct them. 在活动中使用意象对话技术中的心理意象方法进行督导和训练。
Imago and artistic conception are two important aesthetic categories in ancient Chinese literary reviews. 摘要意象、意境是中国古代文论中两个重要的审美范畴。
The life cycle of mayflies consists of four stages: egg, nymph, subimago, and imago. 蜉蝣的生命周期由四个阶段组成:卵,蛹,亚成虫,成虫。
Poetic imago is the esthetic concept of appreciating poems, and is the support of poetic conception, affection and style. 诗歌意象是鉴赏诗歌的审美概念,也是诗歌意境、情思、风格的依托。
The combination of Bi and Xing has not only accelerated the creation of imago in poetry, but also helped poetry walk up to higher art palace. “比”“兴”的结合不仅促进了诗歌意象的创造,也推动了诗歌走向更高的艺术殿堂。
The Continuity Research of Space Imago and Texture about New and Old Community in Southern Jiangsu Area 苏南地区新旧城区空间意象与肌理的连续性研究
From "Image" to "Imago"-A Poetic Expression of Poster Design of Tourist Culture 从形象到意象&旅游文化招贴设计的诗意表达
The Imago of Wuling Fishman& Interpreting Tao Yuanming s "The Home of Peach Blossoms"; 论武陵渔人的意象&解读陶渊明的《桃花源记》
Certain form of appearance and dress was from all kinds of abstract imago given by cultures; 服饰外观形式来源于文化可提供的各种抽象意象或表现;
Pelargonic acid has a obvious antifeedant action to the imago of Pissodes punctatus Langor et Zhang. 壬酸对华山松木蠹象成虫有明显的拒食作用。
The Connotation of Mansion Imago Poems Written by Poetesses and Geisha in Song Dynasty 宋代一般女性与歌妓楼意象词的丰富内涵
The manifestation of modern Chinese painting is inseparable from aesthetic imago. 现代中国画艺术的表现离不开审美意象。
Types and designs of imago leading of skill representation of elite aerobics athletes 健美操运动员技术表现意象引导模型的解析与设计
In retranslating this book, it is necessary to reproduce the artistic style, retain its related cultural imago, reflect the latest research achievements and supplement relative contents. 重译《易经》要努力再现原作艺术风格、保留相关文化意象、反映易学研究的最新成果并补充相关内容。
To the poetry, the innovation of imago is the most basis and substantial. 对诗歌而言,意象的创新是最基础、最实质性的。
This paper covers the rule of the imago's laying eggs and connections between it and nine ecological factors. 研究了室内条件下黄色灯对小菜蛾成虫产卵量、产卵前期、产卵历期和成虫寿命的影响。
And the esthetics imago ofthe great ruins& traces were studied from the esthetics angle, its intrinsic estheticscharacteristic was unpuzzled. 并从美学角度对大遗址美学意象进行研究,阐述了遗址的内在美学特征。
Crow imago bears rich and intricate cultural connotation in both oriental and western cultures. 乌鸦意象在中国文化和西方文化中都具有丰富而又复杂的文化内涵。
The mastery of the imago thinking method is of great significance for the communication between ancient and modern culture. 认识掌握意象思维方法对古今文化沟通具有重要意义。
It is already a cultural imago with literature taste and sentiment in Chinese culture. 杜拉斯在中国文化中已是一种蕴涵着文学品位、情趣意味的文化意象。