He doesn't take chances; that's why he's survived and most of his imitators haven't. 他不冒险:这就是为什么他得以幸存,而他的大部分仿效者却没有。
Success has encouraged some imitators too. 会议的成功也引来了一些模仿者。
Among the criteria for choosing "icons" were their commercial and creative impact, number of imitators, enduring appeal and whether they appeared on T-shirts. 这次票选主要是以艺人们的商业影响力和创造性、效仿者数量、吸引力是否持久以及他们是否在T恤上出现过为标准。
The housing broker and its imitators, like the taxi service Uber and its clones, have been prompting upheaval just about everywhere they go. 这个房屋经纪服务以及模仿它的服务,比如租车服务Uber和跟风者,在它所到的几乎所有地方都掀起了波澜。
But in place of proper debates about the country's future is a political marsh bubbling with imitators, clowns, nationalists, provocateurs and other imps. 但是我们并没有看到他们义正言辞,适逢严肃的地看待国家前途,却看到一群模仿者,小丑,民族主义者,教唆者和顽童们把这场政治活动搞得面目全非。
International Far Eastern has pioneered its business model, developed in-depth knowledge and has few imitators. 远东租赁开创了独有的业务模式,积累起精深的专业知识,且鲜少模仿者。
Be therefore imitators of god, as beloved children; 所以你们要效法神,好像蒙爱的儿女一样;
While KKR has spawned many imitators over the years, its own corporate culture has struck me as less hard core capitalist than its barbarians at the gate image. 尽管kkr多年来引来了许多模仿者,但它本身的企业文化令我吃惊,它的形象更像“门口的野蛮人”,而不是精英资本家。
The qualities which differentiate you from your many imitators can be seen in your sculptures. 你和许多模仿你的人的区别性特征可以从你的雕塑作品中看出。
Already Sonja Henie imitators were springing up, wherever figure skating was appreciated. 只要哪儿有花样滑冰,哪儿就能看到宋佳·海涅模仿者如雨后春笋般涌现。
Whether Hizbullah and Iran seriously propose to destroy Israel is hard to tell, but it is what they keep saying& and they have imitators. 纳斯鲁拉和伊朗是否真的要毁灭以色列这个很难说,但他们口口声声说他们已经有了模仿者。
1 cor.4:16i exhort you therefore, become imitators of me. 林前四16所以我恳求你们要效法我。
Even though Austen ended all her books with a definitive full stop, dozens of imitators have added sequels and prequels, new endings and new beginnings. 虽然奥斯汀为自己的著作都画上了圆满的句号,可一些临摹作家添油加醋地写些续集和前传,增添一些新的结尾和新的开始。
May he inspire a host of imitators. 他将有一大批追随者。
Kirsten Gilbert, solicitor at Marks& clerk, an intellectual property specialist, said the judgment opened the door wider for brand owners to allege imitators of their products enjoyed an unfair advantage. marks&clerk事务所律师、知识产权专家柯斯汀吉尔伯特(kirstengilbert)表示,上诉裁决为品牌所有者指控其产品仿造者享有不公平优势进一步敞开了大门。
The financial equivalent is being good at generating returns on equity and generating imitators employing a similar business model. 在金融界,这就相当于你是否擅长带来股本回报率和刺激采用类似商业模式的效仿者。
It has enough competitive advantages not to be squeezed out by imitators. 苹果拥有足够多的竞争优势,可以保证自己不会被模仿者挤出市场。
Business philosophy: Design simple yet stylish clothing, and do it fast enough to stay ahead of imitators. 运营理念:设计出式样简单但有风格的服装,并且其市场运营要尽可能快地赶在仿造者的前面。
S.a good idea might spawn a few imitators. 在美国一个好想法可能会有一些人去仿制。
Its success has spawned a series of Chinese imitators. 星巴克的成功也促成了一大批中国的跟风企业。
Mr Feng admitted that establishing an international brand was sometimes harder for Chinese companies because they are perceived as cheap imitators. 冯军承认,树立一个国际品牌对于中国企业而言有时难度更大,因为它们被看作廉价的模仿者。
A get-rich-quick atmosphere is also enveloping Silicon Valley at the moment, with Wall Street investors competing to buy privately-traded shares in social media companies such as Facebook, Twitter and their imitators. 眼下,硅谷也被一种妄图一夜暴富的气氛笼罩着,华尔街投资者们竞相购买场外交易的社交媒体公司股票,Facebook、Twitter和它们的效仿者都是被热捧的对象。
It was an innovation that immediately spawned imitators in London and Frankfurt. 这项创新在伦敦和法兰克福立即出现了大量效仿者。
The world's creative energy is shifting to the developing countries, which are becoming innovators in their own right rather than just talented imitators. 创造性活力转到发展中国家,他们自己一跃成为创造者而不再是惟妙惟肖的模仿者。
This bad habit, plus his enormous popularity, encouraged a lot of imitators during his lifetime. 这种恶习,加上他极大的名声,在他一生中怂恿了许多伪造者。
History shows us that many wars have been waged because "one country was robbing another country", and there have certainly been no lack of subsequent imitators. 历史向我们展示很多战争都源于“一个国家去抢劫另一个国家”开始,继而“群起效尤”者不乏人在。
The difference between MS McArthur and her countless imitators is the elegance of her writing. 麦克阿瑟女士和她无数模仿者之间的差别是她的文体的典雅。
So lots of famous Chinese painters were excellent imitators of those perfect works of art. If you do not have to follow a known style, you can paint how you like. 所以许多很有名的中国画家都曾是些艺术极品的临摹人。如果不必临摹某一名流的艺术风格,你便可以随心所欲地作画。
Music Television ( MTV) and its coun-try music and soul music imitators; 音乐电视(MTV)是乡村音乐和黑人音乐模仿者;