The immaculately tended gardens are an oasis in the midst of Cairo's urban sprawl. 在开罗不断扩张的都市版图内,这些被悉心照料的花园成了一片世外桃源。
It was a neatly furnished and immaculately tidy room. 这是一个家具简洁、干净齐整的房间。
Its long corridors were well-lit and immaculately clean. 长长的走廊灯光明亮,洁净无比。
That I was immaculately conceived. 我是个完美受孕的产物。
As the gemstone of the Australian nation, opals are celebrated for immaculately embracing the entire colour spectrum, from translucent, white and red, through to green, blue and black. 澳宝是澳大利亚特产,其颜色从半透明、白色、红色到绿色、蓝色、黑色不等,因拥有完美七彩而闻名于世。
Gone was the casually dressed Canadian she had thought a backwoodsman& this man was immaculately tailored. 虽然衣着随便的加拿大人走了,但她还在想着那个住在边远地区的人-这个衣着考究的人。
The house was immaculately clean. 这座房子被收拾得停停当当。
She is immaculately groomed, the collar of her cream blouse rising neatly over the jacket of her tailored beige trouser suit and not a strand of her lightly permed hair-which is much commented on in the local press-out of place. 她打扮得非常完美,奶油色衬衫的领子直立着,巧妙地搭在短上衣上,下身是剪裁讲究的米色长裤,略微烫过的头发没有丝毫凌乱&当地媒体没少评论她的头发。
He dressed immaculately, always sporting a good tie or cravat, and looking elegant in his beloved cricket sweater and whites whenever he wore them. 他衣着整洁干净,打着漂亮的领带或领结,穿着他最喜爱的板球毛衣和白色运动衫,看起来非常优雅。
Their houses were immaculately neat and tidy, with no pets allowed by order of denis. 他们的家打扫得干干净净,布置得有条有理。丹尼斯还规定家里不准养任何爱畜。
His shoes were immaculately polished and his young, healthy face glistened. 他的皮靴擦得亮光光的,他那年轻而健康的脸容光焕发。
He thinks designers pushing pajama looks could be suggesting that men can dress immaculately at home, at least when entertaining overnight guests. 他认为,设计师们纷纷推出睡衣式服装可能意在暗示人们,男人在家里也可以讲究穿着,至少通宵招待宾客时可以做到这点。
He kept his hands and nails immaculately clean. 他的双手和指甲都非常干净。
The wives are immaculately groomed, tossing waves of exquisitely streaked and tousled hair from left to right. 妻子们修饰的几乎完美,甩动着精心挑染微乱的头发。
From what can be determined, it is immaculately done. 从结果来看,这件事做得干净利落。
Sir Oswald was immaculately dressed. 奥斯瓦尔德爵士穿得非常整齐。
Their immaculately tailored clothes, perfectly styled hair and youthful faces have scores of teenage girls professing their undying love every day. 他们得体的穿着、完美的发型、年轻的脸庞,使得每天都有无数的女孩向他们表达爱慕之情。
Do you wish to find this basilica immaculately clean? 你愿意找到一座华丽的圣殿吗?
But back home in San Francisco, Chicago, or New York, the same executive will be immaculately dressed in a well-tailored suit. 但是回到旧金山、芝加哥或纽约,同一位商业主管将会穿上光洁而笔挺的西服。
Abhisit, immaculately dressed in a grey suit and waistcoat, with a pale blue shirt and black tie with white stripes, looks slightly doubtful at the array of lurid pastries and curled sandwiches placed before him. 阿披实的衣着堪称完美,灰色马甲西装套装,淡蓝色衬衫,黑色白条纹领带,他似乎对面前摆着的那些面目可憎的糕饼以及蜷缩的三明治有些疑惑。
How do those TV mothers always manage to look so immaculately coiffed even when they're doing housework? 那些电视里的母亲怎么总是能在做家务的时候还看上去有那么时髦的发型?