Then we led the transition and created a market for immersive video, which we call telepresence. 然后我们继续引领变革,开创了仿真视频市场,也就是我们称之为网真的产品。
This is the second installment of the Virtual Spaces: enabling immersive collaborative enterprise series. 这是虚拟空间:实现浸入式协作性企业系列的第二部分。
Most next-generation approaches to information are creating immersive and even entertainment applications. 大多数下一代获取方法都是创建身临其境的、甚至是娱乐性的应用程序。
The next generation of Web applications aimed to be highly immersive, providing personalized content and rich application models. 下一代Web应用程序的目标就是高度融入,提供个性化的内容和富应用程序模型。
Scholars therefore suggest immersive reading as a way to improve the personal cultivation of students and their aesthetic taste. 因此,有学者建议采取沉浸式阅读,以此来提高学生们的个人修养与审美品位。
In this movie, the slow motion flying bullets and snowflakes all create an immersive experience for the audience. 在影片中,子弹飞行和雪花飞舞的慢镜头都给观众带来身临其境之感。
This content will be more than pretty; it will provide students with an immersive learning environment. 这项新开发的好处还多着呢。它可以给学生带来仿真的学习环境。
Not only am I learning new skills and concepts in a series of courses, I am having an immersive experience and the way that I think is evolving. 我不仅是在一系列课程中学习新的技能和理念,而且是在享受一种身临其境的体验,我的思维方式也在演变。
This is the kind of immersive experiential learning that alters the worldview of students. 这是那种能够改变学生世界观的、注重身历其境体验的学习。
More pixels and big screens some of which are curved, for an immersive viewing experience do raise the bar in TV watching, critics say. 批评者说,更多的像素和更大的屏幕――有些屏幕是弯曲的,形成一种沉浸式的观看体验――确实提高了看电视的标准。
The curved screen, a feature I was skeptical about, was actually pretty nice for creating an immersive experience, especially with a close-up couch. 虽然我曾经持怀疑态度,但这台电视的曲面屏幕带来的实际体验相当出色,创造了一种浸入式的体验,尤其是坐在很近的沙发上观看时。
That content could be viewed more easily in an immersive display, he added. 那类内容在一款沉浸式显示屏上看起来会更加轻松。他补充说。
However, to appreciate the beauty of Sanqingshan need to experience immersive. 然而,要领略三清山的美还需身临其境去体验。
Users expect seeking and discovery to be part of the experience of an immersive application, so the use of nonstandard controls is often appropriate. 用户希望沉浸式应用程序的体验的一部分是寻求和发现,所以使用非标准的控件显得更为合适。
Highly themed applications should be immersive, yet only used for short periods of time. 高度主题化的应用程序应该是沉静式的,然而只是用于很短的一段时间。
Instead, immersive applications present information in the context of the game-play, story, or experience. 相反,沉浸式应用程序在游戏,故事,或体验这几种情况下呈现信息。
Refine disparity estimate method of 3D scene in immersive video 沉浸式视频中三维场景的视差精炼方法
Games and kiosk applications may use heavy application theming to achieve an immersive experience. 游戏和凉亭应用程序可以使用重度的应用程序主题来达到一个沉浸式的体验效果。
This course will explore these new opportunities for learning with a special focus on what can be learned through immersive, hands-on activities. 本课程旨在探索这些新的学习机会,并特别着重于我们能通过创意和亲身实践去学些什么。
An immersive application tends to hide much of the device's user interface, replacing it with a custom user interface that strengthens the user's sense of entering the world of the application. 沉浸式应用程序往往隐藏设备原有的界面,取而代之的是自定义的用户界面,因为增强了用户的融入应用程序的世界的感觉。
An immersive application offers a full-screen, visually rich environment that's focused on the content and the user's experience with that content. 沉浸式应用程序提供全屏的,有丰富视觉效果的环境,专注于内容和用户对于内容的体验。
Research on Disparity Estimate and Refine of 3D Scene in Immersive Video 沉浸式视频中三维场景视差提取与精炼的研究
Among the works of the Amsterdam-based studio is Demor, an immersive outdoor game experience for visually impaired children; 基于阿姆斯特丹的项目中的Demor,是一个为视障儿童设计的大型户外体验型游戏。
Although it's not likely that a game would need to offer application-specific settings in Settings, other types of immersive applications might. 虽然游戏不太可能需要在设置应用程序中里提供特定设置,但其他类型的沉浸式应用程序可能需要。
The user interaction model for an immersive application is determined by the experience the application provides. 沉浸式应用程序的用户交互模型是由应用程序带来的体验决定的。
After reading about productivity, utility, and immersive application styles, think about the type of information your application displays and the task it enables. 在了解了生产力应用程序、实用程序和沉浸式应用程序样式后,考虑一下你的应用程序显示的信息类型和所能完成的任务。
Many faculty members are embracing digital technologies that enable them to include industry professionals as guest lecturers in the classroom, real-time case study discussions, as clients in immersive consulting projects, or as virtual tour-guides at labs and factories. 许多教职人员都欣然接受了数字科技,这些技术使他们能够请来行业专业人士,做课堂实时案例研究中的演讲嘉宾,扮演模拟咨询项目中的客户,或充当实验室和工厂的虚拟向导。
It's a six-day immersive experience for the kids. 这六天对儿童来说是一个身临其境的体验。
Microsoft Flight builds off its heritage of deep, immersive simulation and is redesigned to make the experience easier for virtual fliers of all interests and skills. 微软班机离开它的深处的遗产建立,沉入的模拟而且被重新设计使所有兴趣和技术的虚拟飞行者的经验更容易。
Combined with animation and visual impact closer to one of the characters from the children, giving the immersive feeling, it is difficult to distinguish the real world or virtual space. 加之动画片的视觉冲击拉近了儿童和其中人物的距离,给人身临其境的感觉,难以分辨真实世界还是虚拟空间。