They are afraid that someone like me will behave immorally-have loud parties, have men to stay overnight, be a bad influence on the surrounding families. 他们害怕像我这样的人会做出伤风败德的事&举办吵闹的聚会,留男人过夜,给周边有家室的邻居带来坏影响。
Media reports said Mr Erdogan met with Turkey's intelligence chief soon after that tape began to circulate on the internet and that his office later issued a statement saying that the recordings were immorally fabricated and totally unreal. 据媒体报道,录音开始在网络上流传后,埃尔多安立即召见了土耳其情报部门负责人,而总理办公室随后发表声明,称监听录音是不道德的造假和完全失实。
Or live my life immorally. 没做过不道德的事。
He is quite without principle, ie behaves immorally. 他完全没有道德观念(做的事不道德)。
"I don't care!" retorted the angry man." it's the way you feel, and if you weren't so immorally pious you'd be honest and say so. " “我才不在乎呢!”丈夫怒气冲冲地回答,“咱们心里想的都一样,要不是假仁假义地装蒜,你也会实话实说。”
He acted immorally when his own interests were at stake. 当他自己的利益受到威胁的时候,他的行动就不合乎道德了。
Owing to the existing of the relationship of agency and the unfair distribution of information, the agents inside the universities usually do their duty immorally or behave according to opportunism to benefit themselves at the expense of their clients, and thus lead to the low efficiency. 委托代理关系和信息不对称性的存在,高等学校内部各层代理人往往会采取败德行为或机会主义行事,损害委托人的利益,导致低效率的产生。