
英 [ɪˈmuːvəblz] 美 [ɪˈmuvəbəlz]

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  1. Individual persons shall be entitled to enjoy ownership of such immovables and movables as their lawful incomes, houses, articles for daily use, means of production and raw materials.
  2. The movables as used in this Law means things other than the immovables.
  3. After the use of the requisitioned immovables or movables, they shall be returned to the units or individuals whose immovables or movables are requisitioned.
  4. The immovables or movables owned by the collective in cities and towns shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, be possessed and used by, shall benefit, and shall be disposed by, the said collective.
  5. Thoughts of the Education of the Specialty of Immovables Management
  6. Obviously, there is enough foreign legal system basis of establishing good faith acquisition of immovables in the Property Rights Law in China.
  7. The owner's pledge is a universal standard lawful document in immovables management.
  8. In our future real right law, there should be some limitations to the open objects, but not the open contents in the property register of immovables;
  9. The products which are applied to product liability are ordinary industrial products, primary agricultual products, immaterial products and construction immovables.
  10. On foreign legal system of the good faith acquisition of immovables On the Legal Professionalism
  11. Lawful question of the owner's pledge in immovables management
  12. The constitutive requirements of public benefit collection must be legal and its object includes property rights, movables and immovables.
  13. Chattel mortgage is the result of the expansion of the traditional immovables, and chattel mortgage rights should comply with the principle of going into effect after registration.
  14. This part mainly discusses the theory of reasonable price, on this basis further explores the value of immovables mortgage consideration which belongs to the obligatory rights, and also researches the criteria of what is reasonable.
  15. At the end of the article, the author points out that the theory influence and the practice influence of divide the movables and immovables by the legal standards.
  16. All these defects lead to the registration of immovables mortgage does not conform to the practical situation.
  17. The discussion laies a foundation for the following research on acquisition in good faith system of immovables mortgage.
  18. And the good faith evolves from subjective standard to objective standard, such tendency also find expression in the development of acquisition in good faith of immovables mortgage which pursues the objective criterion in these days.
  19. And obviously such protection need a real complete registration system and powerful credibility to back it up, or the immovables registration will lose its credibility.
  20. In Germany, Switzerland and some other countries, where similar immovables acquisition in good faith systems exist, the law does not require for a reasonable price, but in China, the law calls for not only a reasonable price but a paid off reasonable price.
  21. Good faith acquisition is fixed in most countries 'civil law, but just limit in movables not suitable for immovables.
  22. The letter divides into four chapters, summary content as follows: The first chapter mainly expounds the basic concept of good faith acquisition of immovables and the battle of the legislation.
  23. This article makes clear that the significance of registration for special movables and immovables, to some extent, it is the essential reason why the special movables are differ from immovables in right appearance, standard of acquisition in good faith and other aspects.
  24. Mortgage has long been known as the "King of Guarantee", yet in real life mostly mortgage refers to immovables mortgage.