The Department of Health and a top immunologist have blasted a report in last week's Sunday Times. 卫生部和一位知名免疫学家严词抨击了上周《星期日泰晤士报》的一篇报道。
'Certainly it does work to stimulate your immune system,'says study co-author Heather Zwickey, an immunologist at National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Ore. 研究报告的共同作者之一、俄勒冈州波特兰美国自然医学院(NationalCollegeofNaturalMedicine)的免疫学家茨维奇(HeatherZwickey)说,显然黄耆确实能够刺激人的免疫系统。
Dr Hilary Longhurst, consultant immunologist from Barts and the London NHS Trust, said: Unless your hands are truly filthy, the bugs we encounter when biting our nails could boost our immune system. 巴茨及伦敦国家医疗服务系统的顾问免疫学家希拉里-朗赫斯特博士表示:除非你的手实在太脏,否则咬指甲时遇到的各种微生物细菌对免疫系统有好处。
Professor Graham Rook, an immunologist at University College London, has gone so far as to say that picking food off the floor, buying a dog and regularly kissing your relatives are some of the best ways to ward off allergies. 伦敦大学的免疫学家格雷厄姆·鲁克教授甚至表示,想要避免过敏,可以把掉到地上的食物捡起来照吃不误、或者可以养狗、经常跟伴侣接吻等。
The immunologist says I've got hay fever. 免疫学教授说我得了干草热。
When Daniel Douek, an NIH immunologist suggested to members of the study team that endotoxins might be a key reason why, some were skeptical. 当国立卫生研究院的免疫学家DanielDouek,向研究小组的成员建议内毒素可能是一个关键原因,但一些人持怀疑态度。
Indeed, Adrian Thrasher, the consultant paediatric immunologist at the Great Ormond Street Hospital who carried out the treatment, was more cautious. 其实,开展这项治疗的大奥尔蒙德街医院的儿科顾问免疫学家阿德里安·思拉舍要谨慎得多。
At the University of Pennsylvania's Abramson Cancer Center, immunologist Carl June recently treated HIV patients with a gene intended to help their cells resist the infection. 在宾州大学阿博拉姆逊癌症中心,免疫学家卡尔·琼最近用一种基因来治疗艾滋病患者,以帮助他们的细胞抵御感染。
Long dismissed as "cannon fodder," as one immunologist puts it, the white blood cells known as basophils have been enjoying a renaissance. 嗜碱性细胞长久以来被当作炮灰而遭到忽略,而如今,如同一名免疫学家所讲,迎来了它的复兴。
But Montagnier's new direction evokes one of the most notorious affairs in French science: the "water memory" study by immunologist Jacques Benveniste. 但是这位大爷的新研究方向让我们想起法国科学史上最名声狼藉,臭名昭著的“记忆水”事件。这是由免疫学家JacquesBenveniste做得一个工作。
Organ transplantation offers hope to a variety of patients with terminal functioning organs and tissues. However, rejection of transplants has proved to be a formidable challenge. Inducing tolerance to allografts is currently the holy grail of every transplantation immunologist. 器官移植给各种组织和器官终末期患者带来了希望,然而,移植排斥反应依然是目前所面临的一项艰巨挑战,诱导移植耐受是目前亟待解决的问题。
The American immunologist Forrest provoked the negative selection algorithm based on the SNS model and successfully simulated the procedure of immunological tolerance. 美国免疫学教授Forrest基于SNS模型提出了否定选择算法,成功的模拟了免疫耐受的过程。