
网络  传授; 变化而成长; 成圣过程中人的参与; 成圣的因素


  1. Cultural Impartation on Lexical Level; Application of Grading Input Teaching in the Electronic English Class of Secondary Vocational Schools
  2. We need to face up to the problems in teaching ABC of Law: valuing knowledge impartation more than quality cultivation, valuing examination marks more than awareness education, valuing theory teaching more than practical training, and being distracted by judicial corruption in the society.
  3. The process of knowledge impartation is not only affected by social capital, but produces social capital in itself;
  4. These traditional teaching methods are teacher-centered with the focus on the knowledge impartation. They are ineffective in stimulating students 'communicative competence, which leads to the loss of interest and confidence.
  5. The Influence of Impartation and Inheritance of Ethnic Cultures on Intelligence Development
  6. Under whatever proceeding processes, the Court shall remind the concerned people of their rights to apply challenge, that is, ( 1) the announcement of the right, ( 2) the impartation of the right, ( 3) the enquiry of the right.
  7. The writer of this article makes an overall study on how to develop students 'ability to make market investigation by discussing the ways of theory impartation and the improvement of practical operation.
  8. Teacher language is the special language that teachers use in the process of teaching in classroom and which functions not only as a major channel of knowledge impartation, but also is the bridge by which teachers communicate with students.
  9. Lectures are commonly composed of intention, impartation, information awareness and response.
  10. It's the requirement of the new era that quality education develop to innovation education and that the Chinese teaching in middle school transform from impartation mode to creativity one.
  11. In cultivation content, it strengthens the impartation of knowledge in engineering safety;
  12. The basic structure of the awareness of teaching quality is made up of the awareness of the orientation of school management, the awareness of impartation quality, the awareness of learning quality, and the awareness of the administration quality.
  13. This paper begins with the relationship between language and culture to show the great importance of cultural impartation in FLT.
  14. The Impartation of Techniques in Basketball Teaching
  15. The law shall stipulate clearly the procedure of the impartation, and the judicial body shall perform its impartation obligation, and make it convenient for the people concerned to exercise their right to challenge.
  16. As the present-day main-stream pedagogy, communicative teaching approach focuses on learners ′ communicative competence nurturing rather than on traditional knowledge impartation and skills ′ training.
  17. The information age puts traditional knowledge acquisition and impartation under challenge.
  18. Two aspects are discussed in detail: Impartation of retrieval knowledge and establish of information consciousness strategy of education reform and enhance of retrieval consciousness.
  19. In our current ideological and political education, the pure knowledge impartation leads to the neglect of cultivating the noble character and determination of these university students.
  20. The whole acquisition or impartation of knowledge is compared to a narrative process, with a series of teaching events as plots serving for the development of the final theme.



  1. the transmission of information

      Synonym:    conveyanceimparting