For years ordinary citizens looked on impassively as their incomes stagnated, their jobs were shipped to China, and a few lucky folks made out like medieval crusaders. 多年来普通民众只是眼睁睁的看着收入增长停滞,工作被转移到了中国,少数幸运儿也要像中世纪的十字军一样出征海外。
Perfectly genuine footage of real-life passersby is shown as the incognito Johansson impassively sizes up these earthlings for their calorific value. 现实生活中的路人在镜头中完美的展现,而隐身的约翰森面无表情的估算着三个地球人可被利用的热量值。
Wearing his Army dress uniform, Pfc. Manning stood impassively as the presiding judge, Col. Denise Lind, delivered a sentence that means the former intelligence analyst will likely spend at least eight more years behind bars before he could be freed. 主审法官林德上校(Col.DeniseLind)宣布判决结果时,曼宁身穿军装,面无表情的站在那里。这一判决意味着这名前情报分析员可能会在监狱中再呆上至少八年才可能被释放。
The next day he sat impassively all through the seminar and left at the end without saying anything to me. 第二天,艾德表情木然地听完全场演讲,然后一言不发地离开会场。
Neither do China's leaders, who watch impassively from a podium in the sweltering heat dressed in near identical suits. 看台上中国领导人也给人这种感觉,他们穿着差不多一样的服装面无表情的观看着表演。
He looked like a judge, she thought, impassively pronouncing sentence; and she was the guilty prisoner in the dock. A pattern of wild geese, flying low and unconcerned above the hills, wavered against the serene ashen evening. 他象个法官,她想,就要冷漠地宣布判决,而她则是被告席上的罪人。雁队冷漠地在山头飞过,在宁谧灰色的傍晚显得很飘逸。
He watched impassively as his house burned down. 他的房子被烧毁时,他毫无表情地在旁边看着。
The defendant sat impassively in the dock while evidence was given against him. 在不利证据被出示时,被告面无表情地坐在被告席上。
Angleton scribbled in his notebook, and looked up impassively. 安格尔顿匆忙地在笔记本上写着,然后不动声色地抬起头来。
Don Corleone said impassively," but you needed a drink first. " 考利昂老头子不动声色他说:“不过,你先得喝点酒。”
Sally Rags and Coach watched him impassively as he jotted down the "line," the odds on all the baseball games for that day. 他在抄录线索,即那天所有的棒球比赛的比分。萨里-拉各斯和寇奇毫无表情地注视着他。
He listened impassively, chin in hand, when he was spoken to, his elbow supported on the back of his other hand. 人家跟他说话,他冷冷地听着,右手托着下巴颏儿,肘子靠在左手背上。
The teen-ager stared back impassively, his finger still taut against the trigger. 好在小家伙回敬他的只是无动于衷地盯着他,手指仍旧紧扣在扳机上。
The accused sit impassively as the judge sentence him to ten year in prison. The judge pronounced sentence on the prisoner. 法官宣布对被告判以十年徒刑,被告木木然坐着毫无反应。
But he just stood there impassively and waited for his sister to finish. 但是他呢,站在那儿毫无表情,让她妹妹骂个够。
It was the very same man who now, as I'm writing, keeps whacking me, mechanically and impassively, with an umbrella. 结果我发现,就是这个我正在谈论的男人在打我,他现在还不停地用伞打我,动作机械、毫无表情。