Change of Physiology and Biochemistry during Seed Germination of Impatiens balsamina 凤仙花种子萌发过程中的生理生化变化
The phenotypic plasticity of growth and morphology in cultivation and in wild Impatiens blepharosepala Pritz. 研究了栽培和野外生长睫毛萼凤的形态和生长表型可塑性。
Effects of P~+ ion Implantation on Culture and Flower Formation of Impatiens balsamina in vitro 离子注入对凤仙试管苗组织培养和成花的影响
Detection of Impatiens necrotic spot tospovirus ( INSV) by RT-PCR and Nested PCR 凤仙花坏死斑病毒的RT-PCR和巢式PCR检测
The meiotic behavior in SP2 generation from Impatiens balsamina Yuan-3 induced by space flight has been investigated in this study. 对来自航天诱变凤仙花突变体院-3的子代(SP2)的减数分裂行为进行了研究。
Hydrangeas, roses, impatiens, geraniums, petunias were everywhere in gardens and window boxes; so verdant and quite unlike our sunburnt country in the height of summer. 绣球花,玫瑰,凤仙花,天竺葵,矮牵牛在花园和窗台到处如此苍翠不像我们在盛夏灼热的国家。
Stem morphology and characteristics of calcium oxalate crystals in seven species in Impatiens were studied. 植物茎的解剖学及细胞组织中草酸钙结晶的特征。
Some of the most popular bedding flowers are chrysanthemums, impatiens and petunias. 一些最受欢迎的花有菊花,凤仙花和喇叭花。
Preliminary Study on the Effects of N-nutrient on the Growth and Development of Roots of New Guinea Impatiens 氮营养对新几内亚凤仙根系生长发育的影响研究
Conclusion: Speranskia tuberculata should be named as the botanical origin of Tougucao, and Incarvillea sinensis, Impatiens balsamina and Clematis intricate should be used in their respective names. 的基源品种,角蒿、凤仙花和黄花铁线莲等应分别以各自的名称入药使用。
Several SP_1 mutant plants are obtained from induced Impatiens balsamina seeds by space flight, and their flowers, fruits and seeds are investigated in this paper. It is found that the characters of flowers show great variations. 利用神舟四号飞船搭载的凤仙花种子,对诱变当代(SP1)花、果实和种子的研究发现:花部性状有变化。
Comparison of microspores in SP_1 generation mutant plants from space-flight induced Impatiens balsamina seeds 卫星搭载凤仙花SP1代单株小孢子变化的比较研究
Morphological Variation in SP_2 Impatiens balsamina Induced by Space Flight 航天诱变凤仙花SP2代形态变异的研究
Adding pollen to impatiens had no effect on feeding damage rate regardless of when it was added. 是否添加花粉和添加花粉的时间对西花蓟马的为害水平没有显著影响。
Observation of Morphological Characters and Meiosis on Chimera Mutant ( SP_2) Induced by Space Flight in Impatiens balsamina 航天诱变凤仙花嵌合突变体(SP2)的形态及减数分裂的观察
The effects of pollen and plant growth stages on the populations of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, were studied on two cultivars Impulse Orange and Cajun Carmine of impatiens. 在凤仙花的ImpulseOrange和CajunCarmine品种上开展了花粉和植物不同生长阶段对西花蓟马种群的影响。
Impacts of Irrigation with Domestic Sewage on Impatiens balsamina Plant-soil System 污水灌溉对凤仙花植物-土壤系统影响的研究
The results indicated that 16 hours was the optimal aeration time to the growth of New Guinea impatiens among the three different treatments of 8 hours, 16 hours and 24 hours. 结果表明:在8、16和24h3个不同通气时间的处理中,以16h为适合新几内亚凤仙生长的通气时间;
Studies on Nutrient Regulation and Its Influence Factors of Substrate Pot New Guinea Impatiens 无土盆栽新几内亚凤仙养分调控及影响机理的初步研究
Changes in Cotyledons of Impatiens balsamina in Third Generation ( SP_3) Induced by Space Flight 航天诱导凤仙花SP3代子叶变化的研究
A chimera mutant in generation SP_2 induced by space flight of Impatiens balsamina is obtained, and its traits and meiosis are investigated. 在航天诱变凤仙花的SP2代中,得到一株枝叶嵌合突变体。
Relationship between the Accumulation of Anthocyanin and Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase in Impatiens balsamina 凤仙花中花色素苷累积与苯丙氨酸解氨酶的关系
Study on Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of New Guinea Impatiens 新几内亚凤仙的组培快繁研究
Common for monochrome, single impatiens, double pattern is simple, and spend more bears for axils, greatly limits the conventional ornamental flowers impatiens as fully exploited. 常见凤仙花多为单色,单瓣较多,重瓣花型简单,且花多为叶腋处着生,大大限制了凤仙花作为常规观赏花卉的充分开发利用。
The diversity of Impatiens provides abundant gene resources for breeding herb flower species. 凤仙花属植物种类繁多,花形奇特,变化丰富,该属植物的多样性为选育花卉优良品种提供了丰富的基因资源。
In the sawdust, coconut coir and the powder of soybean stalk, root of the New Guinea Impatiens and the Euphorbia pulcherrima cutting were better than that in peat. 扦插试验表明,在花生壳粉、锯木屑、椰糠以及豆秆粉条件下,新几内亚凤仙及一品红扦插苗的生根情况优于泥炭,可以作为扦插基质。
From the point of view of the changes of plant chlorophyll, MDA, and POD in the same benzene concentration: Impatiens 'monitoring capability is the strongest and it can be used to monitor indoor benzene pollution. 3. 从不同苯浓度下植物叶绿素、POD的变化来看:凤仙花的监测能力最强,可用作室内苯污染的监测植物。
At the same time, the study researched the pollen morphology of the Impatiens which was based on the resources of it. 同时,在收集种质资源的基础上进行凤仙花属植物孢粉学研究。