ADJ-GRADED 无瑕疵的;无可挑剔的 If you describe something such as someone's behaviour or appearance as impeccable, you are emphasizing that it is perfect and has no faults.
She had impeccable taste in clothes... 她的穿衣品位无可挑剔。
Her academic credentials are impeccable. 她的学术背景无可挑剔。
David's good looks and impeccable manners had always made her blind to his faults 戴维英俊的长相和完美的举止总是让她对他的缺点视而不见。
She had impeccable taste in clothes 她的穿衣品位无可挑剔。
Her academic credentials are impeccable. 她的学术背景无可挑剔。
He dressed well and had impeccable manners 他衣冠楚楚,待人接物无可挑剔。
He was from the same mould as the men she had gazed at worshipfully when a child: rich, handsome, of impeccable social standing. 他富有、英俊,有无可挑剔的社会地位,是她孩提时就仰慕的那种男人。
She had an impeccable aristocratic pedigree. 她有纯正的贵族血统。
He has an impeccable sense of timing 他有着无可挑剔的节奏感。
China says the Impeccable was violating international law by conducting surveillance activities in its exclusive economic zone. 中国称,无懈号在中国专属经济区进行监测活动,违反了国际法。
As your company's representative, your phone manners should be impeccable. 作为你公司的代表,电话对话的礼貌不应该有不合理的地方。
Dress formally and respectably in churches and upscale restaurants, and ensure that your table manners are impeccable. 在教堂和高档餐厅穿着要正式体面并确保你的餐桌礼仪做到无可挑剔。
On the incident of Impeccable, the US Navy surveillance ship, this time, I have already made China's view and position clearly. I have nothing more to add. 关于这次发生的美国海军监测船“无瑕号”事件,我也清楚表明了中方的看法和立场,我没有更多的补充。
Your house looks impeccable because you have not had enough time to spend there to make it dirty. 你的屋子看上去完美无瑕,因为你很少呆在里面,更别说把屋子搞脏搞乱了。
If you add a belt and a pair of flat shoes, your look will be impeccable. 加上一条腰带再来一双平底鞋,你的LOOK就无懈可击了。
I was impressed by his impeccable speech. 我很钦佩他的精彩演讲。
Faultless logic; speaks impeccable French; timing and technique were immaculate; an immaculate record. 准确无误的逻辑;说标准法语;时间和方法是无误的;无过失的记录。
With some impeccable singing in addition, it was an impressive start to a pioneering and historically significant event. 对于一幕开创性的、具有重要历史意义的盛事,这部音乐剧凭借几段完美无缺的演唱,成就了一个令人印象深刻的开端。
Creativity or ruthlessness? Or was Steve Jobs simply gifted with vision and impeccable taste? 是天才创意抑或冷酷无情?又或者仅仅因为史蒂夫乔布斯(SteveJobs)天生就具有远见卓识和无可挑剔的品味?
Europe's air-to-air missile ( AAM) developers hold impeccable high-tech credentials and have produced advanced and effective weapons. 欧洲空对空导弹研究人员坚持完美无瑕的高科技信念开发出了先进有效的武器。
They also all spoke impeccable English, which helps! 他们全都说完美的英语,这也方便了我们!
Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served in a soothing ambiance with genuinely friendly and impeccable service. 享用早、中和晚餐在温馨的环境中,享受友善和无措的服务。
Never did any novelist make more use of an impeccable sense of human values. 哪一位小说家都没有像她这样充分利用了自己对于人的不同流品的明细的感觉。
Its ambition and its almost impeccable taste make it impossible to dismiss. 它的雄心和几乎完美无瑕的品味,让人无法忽视。
He was proud of his impeccable good manners. 他为自己无可挑剔的端庄举止而感到自豪。
The ultra thick texture brings extraordinary enjoyment, has impeccable wear-resisting, anti-strike and anti-scratch performance. 超厚的质感带来非凡的享受,具有无可挑剔的耐磨、抗打击和防刮擦性能。
This gymnasium, with Beautifully decorated interior and contemporary facilities, offers you impeccaBle service. 本健身俱乐部具有美丽的室内装饰,现代化的设施和完美无缺的服务。
You know, Fee, your taste is impeccable. 你知道,菲,你的审美观是无可挑剔的。
And, in the case of GM crops and food, the safety record is impeccable. 对于转基因作物和食品,安全纪录是无懈可击的。
However, due to the limitations of the times, the perfect system of utopia is not impeccable. 然而,由于时代的局限性,乌托邦制度的完美性也不是无懈可击的。
We've just witnessed an impeccable performance by one of america's finest athletes. 我们刚看了一个美国最好的运动员所做的无可挑剔的表演。
Your build-up is impeccable, your intentions good, but you simply cannot score. 你的配置没有问题,你的意图有效,但是你就是进不了球。