As it was precisely of that love that poor Winsett was starving to death, Archer looked with a sort of vicarious envy at this eager impecunious young man who had fared so richly in his poverty. 可怜的温塞特正是为了这种爱好快要饿死了,阿切尔也如临其境地怀着羡慕之心看着这个热情洋溢的穷青年,他在贫困中活得是那样富足。
But as the "grey perspectives" ( pensioners with savings) and "Twilight subsistence" ( pensioners on small incomes) groups hit cyberspace in the company of the impecunious young, demands for free content will take on a new urgency. 但是,随着有积蓄的养老金领取者(greyperspectives)、收入微薄的养老金领取者(twilightsubsistence)与身无分文的年轻人共同出现在网络空间中,免费内容将面临新的紧迫需求。
Cecil Fridjohn, my father, came from an impecunious Irish Jewish family. 塞西尔·弗雷特,我的父亲,来自贫穷的爱尔兰的犹太家庭。
An unsuccessful and impecunious mon. 无所作为、一文不名的儿子。
They are invariably independent, impecunious and able to tolerate staggering degrees of discomfort. 他们无一不是独立自主、囊中羞涩,而且能够忍受种种令人咋舌不已的不便。
I first knew him as an impecunious student living in one small room. 我初次认识他时,他是个住在一间小房间中的穷学生。
But one thing is sure, he must go to earn some money first for he is impecunious now. 但是有一事儿却是肯定的。他得先挣点钱,因为他现在可是身无分文呢。
This will allow the impecunious members to pay off bad cheques and mortgages, in effect borrowing against the resources of the others. 这让那些不名一文的亲戚们得以偿还逾期支票和抵押贷款,实际上也是利用别人的资源来借款。