Light reveals the subtle alteration of things, the sly or calamitous impermanence or mortal life. 事物的细微变动,人生的狡猾,倏忽无常,一一都在光中显露出来。
Because of the nature of impermanence within the clouds, the river suffered very much. 云彩那变化无常的本性,可让小河受尽了苦头。
An undercurrent of trauma runs through ordinary life, shot through as it is with the poignancy of impermanence. 心理创伤的暗流不停在日常生活中涌动,于无常的人生里,伴随各种辛酸经历将我们击垮。
They, who seek for self-nature, think that empty five skandhas are the source of impermanence and sufferings. 寻求自性的人,他们认为五蕴皆空是无常,是苦的根源。
Since impermanence to us spells anguish, we grasp on to things desperately, even though all things change. 因为无常会带来痛苦,虽然万事万物都会改变,我们还是拼命地执著。
This impermanence is reflected in society in many subtle ways. 这种短暂性以许多细微难察的方式在社会上反映出来。
As a Buddhist, I hold a certain understanding of the impermanence of life-that everything has a beginning and end. 作为一名佛教徒,我对生命和万物的轮回有自己固有的理解和体会。
In fact, the impermanence of life, everyone who likes to have a lot of people. 其实人生无常,每个人身边都有很多喜欢的人。
Flew over the impermanence of the world, is the only Dongai treasures. 飞过人间的无常,才懂爱才是宝藏。
Blessed One, you have related to us your teaching that suffering, impermanence, and non-Self is most excellent ( just as) the footprint of an elephant is the greatest of all footprints. 圣尊,你已经与我们相关的用你的教义说那个痛苦,无常,无我是非常好的(就象)大象的足迹是所有的足印之中最大的。
This photo is a depiction of impermanence, imprints, and impressions of life. 这张照片是一个描绘无常,出版和展示的生活。
Whatever happens, let it flow away with the view of impermanence. 无论发生什么事,都以无常的认知,随它们去。
If we live in the present life, and make a deep observation on the surroundings, we will find that everything has the character of impermanence and anatman. 与当下的生命相接触,深入地观察存在的事物,这时我们就能够看到所有这些事物无常和无我的本性。
Seeing impermanence, instability and non-selfhood. 见到无常、苦和无我。
This is what we call "impermanence". 这就是所谓无常之理了。
Solid rock and rushing water reflect the permanence and impermanence of life itself. 坚固的岩石和奔腾的流水反映出生命本身的永恒和短暂。
Having your nose led by Impermanence, you are then the follower of Strong Desire-not an authentic Buddhist! 跟着无常的现象走,你就是渴爱的弟子,而非佛弟子。
Yan Zhitui's understanding of Buddhism is anylized from three aspects of impermanence, the origin and fate of the empty spirit, and transmigration. 本文从佛教的诸行无常、缘起性空和因缘果报、业感轮回三个方面论述了颜之推对佛教义理的吸收。
The suffering, emptiness, and impermanence of the world manifest the truth. 世有苦空无常,故有真理示现。
Actually, impermanence is a very good news. 事实上,无常是个非常好的消息。
Reflect on this: The realization of impermanence is paradoxically the only thing we can hold on to, perhaps our only lasting possession. 好好深思:了悟无常是我们唯一所能坚持,甚至是唯一永远的财产。
Realize impermanence to gain hope. 要知道「无常」,才能拥有希望;
There you are, I am no longer afraid of life's impermanence. 有你在,我不再害怕世事的无常。
Impermanence has taught me that all things in life will change-sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. “无常”教导我:人生的所有事情都会改变,有时变好,有时变坏。
Understand the fragility of life, the impermanence of life! 体会生命的脆弱,生命的无常!
When talking about the nature of impermanence we must bear in mind that there are two levels. 当我们谈到无常的本质时,必须先记住它有两个层面。
Mindfulness of Death begins with the observation of our breath, following the meditation on impermanence. 由观察呼吸,进而观生命无常,是念死的禅修。
With birth, aging, sickness, and death, how can we be rid of impermanence? 生老病死的无常过程,谁能免除?
Each time the losses and deceptions of life teach us about impermanence, they bring us closer to the truth. 生命的每次失落和迷惑,都在教导我们无常的道理,让我们更接近真理。
However, I often thought about life, and the most important thing I saw was its impermanence. 但是平时很多时候我会对人生有思考,特别看到生死无常。