This kind of method is permissible in dealing with the enemy, but absolutely impermissible in dealing with comrades or friends. 对付敌人可以这样,对待同志,对待朋友,绝不能用这个方法。
CMA argued that this shift went well beyond the knee of the curve, and was therefore impermissible. 化学药品制造商协会主张,这次转化顺利地超越了曲线拐点,因此是不允许的。
Certainly, it would be impermissible to say that the American Republic is in any sense better than Albania under its late, unlamented, Stalinist leader, Enver Hoxa. 当然,这不能说,美国共和国怎么着都比阿尔巴尼亚好,对于它的迟缓,无人道,斯大林主义领导,阿瓦。霍查。
They receiving money from the public purse, it is absolutely impermissible for them to speculate in shares. 因为涉及公帑资助,绝对不容许出现炒卖股票的情况。
All these acts are divisive and therefore impermissible. 这些都是破坏团结的行为,是不能容许的。
Impermissible academic behaviour refers to the behaviour against academic systems, scientific norms and scientific spirit. 学术越轨是学术人员或学术管理组织违背科学规范、学术制度和背离科学精神的行为。
That which is today considered to be impermissible will possibly be admissible in the near future and vice versa. 今天被认为是不可允许的可能在不远的将来就变成了可以允许的,反之亦然。
Failure to fulfil what can be fulfilled is impermissible, it shows a lack of enthusiasm for socialism. 有可能完成而不去完成,那是不行的,那就是对社会主义不热心。
It is impermissible to perform repairs on the roll-over bar modules. 不允许对防滚翻杆模块进行修理。
Refusal to make progress in this respect and obstinate adherence to the old stage are impermissible and harmful, and are detrimental to large-scale operations. 在这一方面拒绝前进,固执地停顿于旧阶段,是不许可的,是有害的,是不利于大规模作战的。
It is impermissible to interfere in politics in the name of religion. 不得以宗教的名义来干预政治。
Every Party member, every branch of work, every statement and every action must proceed from the interests of the whole Party; it is absolutely impermissible to violate this principle. 每一个党员,每一种局部工作,每一项言论或行动,都必须以全党利益为出发点,绝对不许可违反这个原则。
Though it has made mistakes, the Central Committee has itself corrected them. It is impermissible for anyone to use these mistakes as an excuse for resisting the leadership of the Central Committee. 中央犯过错误,这早已由中央自己纠正了,任何人都不允许以此为借口来抵制中央的领导。
There are certain topics of conversation that are impermissible in polite society. 有一些交谈的话题在上流社会中是不被允许的。
It would have been impermissible to devote a whole year to unhurried debate, to presenting facts and reasoning things out. 那个时候,从容辩论,摆事实,讲道理,搞它一年,不许可。
Seek cultural gene of impermissible behavior in stock market 探寻证券市场越轨行为的文化基因
With the reform and opening to the world and the development of socialist market economy, there are more and more impermissible behaviours and losses of standards, in China. 随着我国的改革开放和社会主义市场经济的发展,经济生活中的越轨和失范现象日渐突出,因此,构建社会主义新经济伦理道德规范具有重要性、必然性;
Moral impermissible behaviour contains a good factor which can promote morality and it can provide a good chance for moral develop. 道德越轨行为蕴藏着道德生长的有利因子,能为道德发展提供有利契机。
Other alleged "meanings" are impermissible regardless of context. 其他硬加的意义,不管语境如何,都是不允许的。
On Impermissible Behavior in the Need Resources Allocation 论需要资源分配中的越轨行为
The impermissible behavior of university students is not only composing obstacles for universities to grow up, but also resulting in bad influence on the university students. 大学生越轨行为不仅对大学生的自身健康成长构成障碍,而且在大学生中造成了不良的影响,有的甚至给社会安定和人们的日常生活带来威胁。
College Students 'Network Impermissible Behaviour: Its Prevention 大学生网络越轨行为及其预防
It is seldom seen that university students break the laws of crime, but the different impermissible behavior of university students is not in the minority. 大学生违法犯罪是少见的,但大学生中程度不同的越轨行为却不在少数。
This paper analyzes the formation of fan's impermissible behaviors in sports competition through using the route analysis method. 运用路径分析方法研究运动竞赛中球迷行为越轨成因问题。
A Sociological Analysis of College Students 'Impermissible Behaviors 对大学生越轨行为的社会学分析
Subjective involuntary behavior is cased by two kind of reasons: ( 1) lacking of key information for decision making; The formation of the impermissible behavior has subjective and objective causes. 主观无意短期行为形成的原因主要有两种:①决策问题的关键信息缺失;形成越轨行为的因素主要有主观和客观两个方面。
In order to control the production of the impermissible behavior, first, the concerned education should be strengthened to improve the people'consciousness to observe the society norm; 为了控制越轨行为的产生,首先要加强教育,提高人们遵守社会规范的自觉性;
From the angle of social change, concept and culture exert an important influence on the impermissible behaviour in stock market. 从社会变迁的角度看,观念与文化对证券市场越轨行为的产生有重要影响。
The formation of the impermissible behavior has subjective and objective causes. 形成越轨行为的因素主要有主观和客观两个方面。