The rogue agent then impersonates the original sender and signs intercepted messages. 于是,伪代理(rogueagent)模仿原发送方并签署被拦截的消息。
As a result, the attacker gets the cookies and impersonates the victim. 因此,黑客获得cookies并冒充受害者。
There is a detail here of course that Zooey, in making a second attempt to converse with Franny about this, impersonates his brother, Buddy, on the phone. 这个细节,左伊当然是在,尝试第二次和弗兰尼谈论这个,在电话里模仿他的哥哥,巴蒂。
When the server is impersonates the client, any operations performed by the server use the client's credentials. 当伺服器模拟客户端时,透过伺服器使用客户端的认证执行任何的操作。
He is an entertainer who impersonates celebrities at night clubs. 他在夜总会表演名人模仿秀。
She is the actress who impersonates the Queen of England. 她是一个扮演英国女王的演员。
The performance of family conversation is like acting, and that is why Zooey impersonates Buddy; he's acting. 家庭对话的表现则像是表演,那是为什么左伊模仿巴蒂,他在表演。
She's the woman who impersonates the queen on tv. 她是在电视中扮演女王的人。
He later impersonates the president of the parent company and arrives at his old plant on an inspection tour. 后来他冒充母公司的总裁到他原来工作的厂里视察。
Typically, a thread in a server application impersonates a client. 典型地,一个在一个服务程序中的线程模拟了一个客户端。
The thought of virtue rule is a specific mode that The Confucianist politics realizes, It impersonates the basic features of the Chinese traditional political philosphy. 德治思想是儒家政治体认的固有模式,集中体现了中国传统政治哲学的基本特征。
By linking his ideal in literary creation to his ideal in compiling, he humanizes and impersonates the "ideal" in his editing-publishing pursuits and puts congnition and aspiration through the whole spiritual product-manufacture process of writing, editing, publishing and issuing. 他把创作理想延续至编辑出版理想,赋予编辑出版活动人性化人格化理想,将理念和理想贯通于创作、编辑、出版、发行整个精神产品生产的过程。
The brilliant scholars for approaching idea witness, they also adopt in establishing details different of pursue a mode. Or the bitterness bitterness look for, or sincerely wait for and even have the mode of man impersonates woman. 才子们为了接近意中人,在情节设置上他们也采取不同的追求方式:或苦苦寻觅,或真心等待,更有甚者男扮女装。