All these people who have been arguing against Hobbes accused Locke too, of impiety. 所有不同意霍布斯观点的人,也开始指责洛克的不敬行为。
Violation of filial piety," The first of a hundred virtues," sometimes was punished by death within the clan. His last act must be a deed of impiety. 原注二:白善孝为先,不孝之罪有时候是严重到可以用家法处死的。他最后的行为就是这一种不孝。
But this seems quite removed doesn't it from the Socrates who is brought up on charges of corrupting the young and the impiety. 但这看似大相径庭,不是吗,有别于苏格拉底,那个,被控腐化青少年,亵渎神明的人。
The church accused him of impiety and had all his writings burned. 教会指责他不虔诚,并把他写的东西都焚毁。
Mankind have even committed the impiety of attributing similar desires to the deity, whom they imagine avid for continual praise. 人类甚至犯了大不敬之罪,往神明身上加上了相同的欲望,认为他们也渴望得到永不停息的颂扬。
He was accused of impiety and atheism. 有人指责他不敬神、信奉无神论。
From this point of view I want to say? was Socrates guilty of impiety? 从这个观点看来,我想说的是,苏格拉底亵渎神明有罪吗?
His last act must be a deed of impiety. 他最后的行为就是这一种不孝。
Impiety and corruption? in what sense are these civic offenses? 亵渎神明与腐化,这两个罪名词汇的意义究竟为何?
What did he do? What did corruption? and impiety mean? 他干了啥事,腐化与亵渎神明又是指什么?
At a minimum we would think the charge of impiety suggests disrespect of the gods. 至少,我们可以将,亵渎神明想成是对神明的不敬。
Impiety need not be the same thing as atheism although Meletus confuses the two but it does suggest irreverence even blasphemy toward the things that a society? cares most deeply about. Yes? 亵渎神明不必然等同于无神论,但Meletus将两者搞混了,但那的确意谓着不敬,甚至是亵渎那些,社会最深刻关切旳事务,是吧?
Socrates is charged as we will see by the city for corrupting the youth! and impiety toward the Gods right? 苏格拉底遭到指控,如我们所知,他遭到城邦指控腐蚀青少年思想,且亵渎众神,对吧?
Impiety characterized by lack of devotion to duty. It was his most solemn, his most religious expression. 对责任不投入的不虔诚的表现。这是他最严肃,最虔诚的表情。
Does this policy of principled disobedience, you might say vindicate or indict Socrates of the charge of corruption and impiety? that has been brought against him? 这种原则性反抗的策略,可说是证明,或判定苏格拉底,腐化与亵渎神明,罪名的证据吗?
It is this Socrates who is brought up on charges of corruption and impiety yet none of this quite answers the question of what is the nature of Socrates'crime. 这是被控腐化,与亵渎神明的苏格拉底,但这都未能完整地回答,苏格拉底所背罪名的本质究竟为何。