Gillespie is well known for his impish sense of humour. 吉莱斯皮以他精灵搞怪的幽默感而广为人知。
An impish fear clutched my hand, so that I could not write any more that day. 一种戏谑般的恐惧感攫住了我的双手,于是,那一天我会无法再写出任何东西。
Given the severity and serenity of his work, his personality takes some people by surprise: a cross between a Japanese philosopher king and an impish uncle, cracking jokes at news conferences and at forums for Clark patrons. 鉴于他的作品庄重、宁静,他的个性让有些人感到意外:他是日本哲人和顽皮大叔的结合体,他在新闻发布会上以及为克拉克博物馆的赞助人们举办的论坛上开玩笑。
Teasing and worrying with impish laughter half suppressed. 用顽皮笑声戏弄和使人烦恼被抑制了一半。
Gamorr is also home to an impish mammalian species called quizzers, which the Gamorreans hate with a passion. 加莫星还有一种顽皮的哺乳动物,被称作嘲弄鬼(quizzer),加莫人对之痛恨不已。
With Xabi gone, someone will have to step into the first team – thus leaving a space open on the bench for the impish ( and very, very expensive) Irishman. 龙哥的走,有些人会升入一线队&这样板凳上就会为天价爱尔兰小鬼留出位置。
Teasing and worrying with impish laughter. 因淘气的笑声而烦恼生气。
Finally decided to change the face to a little more impish or mischievous look. 最后我还决定让机器人的脸看起来更调皮一点。
Recognizing this impish quirk of human thinking helps us peacefully detach from crazy-makers who might otherwise drive us nuts, and jolts us free from the places we get most stuck. 认识到人类思维的”调皮“会帮助我们平和地从那位本来也许让我们”疯狂“的”疯狂制造者“分身,从而让我们在那些动弹不了的地方摆脱出来。
He had an impish, rather wicked humour. 他的幽默有些调皮,甚而有几分缺德。
Impish old man invents a removable toy of the Twelve Animals 南京老人推出十二生肖可拆装玩具