ADJ-GRADED 不言明的;含蓄的 Something that is implicit is expressed in an indirect way.
This is seen as an implicit warning not to continue with military action... 这被视为一个停止军事行动的含蓄警告。
Branagh says that it was his intention to make explicit in the film what was only implicit in the play. 布莱纳说他的用意是将剧本中的隐晦含意在电影中清晰明白地表现出来。
ADJ 内含的;固有的 If a quality or element is implicit in something, it is involved in it or is shown by it.
...the delays implicit in formal council meetings... 正式的政务会议所惯有的耽搁延迟
Try and learn from the lessons implicit in the failure of your marriage. 要努力从失败婚姻中吸取教训。
ADJ-GRADED 无疑问的;无保留的;绝对的 If you say that someone has an implicit belief or faith in something, you mean that they have complete faith in it and no doubts at all.
He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor. 他对皇帝的高尚意图深信不疑。
Many verbs and many words of other kinds are implicitly causal. 许多动词和许多其他类词都蕴涵着因果关系。
However, an implicitly hidden column can always be referenced explicitly in SQL statements. 然而,在SQL语句中,可以始终显式引用一个隐式隐藏的列。
Another common ambiguity in Perl is that a variable will often be implicitly used. Perl中另一个容易引起歧义的地方在于:变量经常会被隐含使用。
You can invoke compensation explicitly or implicitly. 您可以显式地或隐式地调用补偿。
When receiving a TC an authentication provider will not verify their origin or consistency explicitly but implicitly only. 当收到TC时,身份验证提供者并不显式地检验其来源或一致性,只隐式地检验。
The ODBC application can perform most of the operations using these implicitly defined descriptor handles. ODBC应用程序可以使用这些隐式定义的描述符句柄执行大多数操作。
By default, ALL is implicitly assumed, and you can use only one DISTINCT qualifier per SELECT statement. 默认情况下,ALL是隐式指定的,并且每个SELECT语句只可以使用一个DISTINCT限定符。
SCA enables you to either implicitly or explicitly define Spring resources as services, references, and properties. SCA同时允许以隐式或显式方式将Spring资源定义为服务、引用和属性。
When this URL is invoked, it implicitly returns a200 status code when it succeeds. 在调用这个URL时,如果成功,就会隐式地返回状态码200。
Essentially, JSSE is used implicitly from code that opens up URLs that happen to point to HTTPS. 本质上,从代码中显式地使用JSSE,该代码打开了指向HTTPS的URL。
As with the previous rules, the Delete rule is implicitly created as part of an RI constraint. 和上述规则一样,Delete规则是作为一个RI约束的一部分被隐式创建的。
Test cases also serve as adept documentation because they implicitly demonstrate how the code under test works. 测试案例因为暗示了代码在测试工作中是如何工作的,所以还可以充当内行的文档。
As previously mentioned, PUBLIC is implicitly granted certain privileges when a new database is created. 如前所述,创建一个新的数据库时,PUBLIC被隐式地授予一些特权。
We have shown you how to open HTTPS connections that implicitly use JSSE. 我们已经向您展示了怎样打开隐式地使用JSSE的HTTP连接。
Then, the programmer can reference or use that knowledge implicitly& or sometimes even explicitly. 然后,程序设计人员可以暗地里引用或使用该知识&或有时候甚至是明确地。
All the steps in the workflow are implicitly stored in the database. 工作流中的所有步骤都隐式地存储在数据库中。
These bindings can be implicitly or explicitly defined. 这些绑定可以通过隐式或显式方式定义。
Therefore, you must check out the corresponding resource file, either explicitly or implicitly, before editing it. 因此,进行编辑之前,必须显式或隐式签出对应的资源文件。
Using this script, the notifier can automatically remove implicitly dropped and expired requests. 使用该脚本,通告程序可自动删除隐式删除的和过期的请求。
We trust each other implicitly and I think it's been of benefit to Manchester United. 我们互相信任,我想曼联也从中受益。
The local governments are implicitly guaranteed by the central government. 地方政府得到了中央政府的隐含担保。
Namespace is always declared implicitly. 命名空间总是隐式声明的。
If there is no user-declared constructor for class X, a default constructor is implicitly declared. 如果类X没有用户声明的构造函数,则一个构造函数将会被隐式声明。
This also implicitly means that there is no JavaDoc to help you understand relevant options. 这也暗示没有JavaDoc帮你了解相关选项。
The database code page is either implicitly or explicitly determined. 数据库的编码页可以隐式或显式地决定。
There was something in the mind of Robert Kincaid that understood all of this, implicitly. 而罗伯特。金凯的头脑中有某种东西对这一切心领神会。
He implicitly assumes that you know the answer. 他暗中地假设你知道答案。
The national security adviser implicitly condoned their retaliation. 那位国家安全顾问含蓄地宽恕了他们的报复行为。
This last check implicitly trusts certificate authorities to stop these bad things from happening. 这最后的检查就隐含地信任证书的授权机构可以防止坏事的发生。
I believe implicitly in the concept of europe. 我对欧洲的观念绝对相信。