Explicitly or impliedly indicating a testing I titution to produce a fraudulent testing report or to alter or forge any testing report; 明示或暗示检测机构出具虚假检测报告,篡改或伪造检测报告的;
Or2 confers authority to grant relief if any other statute that grants consent to suit expressly or impliedly forbids the relief which is sought. 二授与准许救济的权力,如果其他允许起诉的法律明示或暗示应禁止给予所请求之救济。
The knowledge base includes diversified rules, such as basic and complex rule composed of vary tests item, diagnosis rule that distributed impliedly over combined chaos neural network and the transformer fault case. 专家系统知识库包括:由针对各类试验项目组成的基本规则与复合规则;隐含分布于组合混沌神经网络中的诊断规则;
The author starts his novel with the intention to express his sentiment, ideology, and to disclose his creation intention, but for various reasons, he cannot directly, but only express impliedly, which requires extremely ingenious art methods. 作者在开篇即欲表达自己的情感、思想,透露了他的创作意图,但出于各种原因,他不能直接陈露,而只能含蓄地表达,这需要十分巧妙的艺术手段。
As a kind of education authority, ideological and political education is impliedly consented as a necessarily legal capacity. 思想政治教育作为一种教育权力,历来被默认为具有必然合法的身份。
And the recognition is an intention behavior and should be made expressly or impliedly in the trial period. 承购是意思表示行为,应于试用期内以明示或默示方式作出。