VERB 内爆;向心聚爆;向心压挤 If something implodes, it collapses into itself in a sudden and violent way.
The engine imploded... 发动机内爆了。
He has nightmares about the tanks imploding. 他老是做油箱爆炸的噩梦。
VERB 崩溃;瓦解 If something such as an organization or a system implodes, it suddenly ends completely because it cannot deal with the problems it is experiencing.
...the possibility that the party may implode in opposition. 该党派于在野期间瓦解的可能性
Wall Street is buying protection in the form of credit default swaps to prepare for that day Japan implodes. 华尔街正在买入信用违约掉期(CDS),为日本债务危机爆发的那一天做好准备。
As was the case in Cyprus during its banking crisis, when a financial system implodes, finding acceptable collateral to swap for desperately needed loans can be difficult. 就像塞浦路斯银行业危机时的情形一样,当金融系统崩溃时,寻找可以接受的担保从而换取急需的贷款是十分困难的。
Firms that lend out safe collateral will need to apply rigorous haircuts on the riskier collateral they accept to ensure they have ample security if a counterparty implodes. 对于所接受的风险较高的抵押资产,出借安全抵押资产的公司将需要对其法定价格进行严格规定,以保证万一某交易对方突然崩溃时自身有足够的保障。
Must I repeat MUST get bigger or the system implodes. 我必须重申必须得到更大的或系统内爆。
So, which mode is better? Game programmers have argued about this since the dawn of time, and will probably still be arguing when the universe implodes around us. 那么,那种方式更好呢?游戏程序员在时间诞生之初就在争论这个问题,而且可能到到宇宙大爆炸的时候他们还在争论。
As the commodity bubble implodes, a similar boom-bust pattern is unfolding in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the Middle East. 随着大宗商品泡沫的破灭,澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大和中东也逐渐呈现出类似的繁荣-萧条模式。
If we did our work right, the stadium implodes. 如果我们做的对体育馆会向心聚爆。
Finally, the bubble bursts, capital floods out and the banking system, burdened with mountains of bad debt, implodes. 最终,泡沫破裂,资本大量流出,而坏账堆积如山的银行体系崩溃。
The answer is: either the ECB stops buying, in which case the bond market implodes, or the ECB continues, in which case conditionality is jettisoned. 答案是:欧洲央行要么停止购买计划,放任债券市场崩溃;要么放弃条件,继续购债。
Its export-led growth model means when trade implodes, as at present, it is importing unemployment. At the same time the accumulation of reserves that results from maintaining an undervalued exchange rate leaves it vulnerable to a dollar collapse. 中国的出口导向型增长模式意味着,当全球贸易出现目前这种内爆时,中国就会进口失业。与此同时,维持汇率低估所导致的外汇储备累积,使中国很容易受到美元暴跌的冲击。
If China's political regime implodes," all bets will be off", Mr Subramanian admits. 但S先生承认如果中国的政治体制内爆,“所有的赌都将无效”。
But if the eurozone implodes, all bets are off. 但如果欧元区解体,事情就另当别论。
This paper presents an alternative approach where simulation is executed at the session level rather than at the bit or packet level, which implodes for IEEE 802.11 WLAN. 本文给出了一种应用于IEEE802.11WLAN大型网络的基于会话级别的蒙特卡罗性能仿真方法的详细内容。