In the midst of his feelings of impotence, a comforting thought arrived. 正在他觉得很无奈的时候,一个令人欣慰的想法冒了出来。
Their discovery could herald a cure for some forms of impotence. 他们的发现可能预示着为某些类型的阳痿找到了医治方法。
Impotence affects 10 million men in the US alone. 仅仅在美国,就有1,000万男子患有阳痿。
Previous research has shown that long-term smokers are up to twice as likely to have impotence as non-smokers. 以前的研究表明,长期吸烟者患阳痿的概率是不吸烟者的两倍。
But the most important function of the humble hippocampus is the treatment of impotence. 但海马的最重要功能是治疗阳痿。
Yet sada achieved his fundamental objective of shaking belief in israel's invincibility and Arab impotence. 然而萨达特却达到了他的基本目标动摇了那种认为以色列是不可战胜的,而阿拉伯是软弱无能的信念。
We have reduced the enemy to impotence. 我们已经使敌人丧失战斗力。
Impotence is a strong predictor of heart attack and death among high-risk patients, German researchers have said. 德国研究人员称,在某些高危病人中,阳痿是心脏病和死亡的重要信号。
Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, has many causes and a growing body of treatments. 勃起功能障碍,也即俗称的阳萎,有许多致因,治疗方法也在不断改进。
I dare say you impotence! 你敢说我性无能!
Men sometimes suffer from impotence after a serious illness. 男人有时会在重病后得阳痿。
His fear of impotence had affected him physically. 对阳痿的恐惧影响了他的健康。
As a popular aphrodisiac for men suffering from impotence. 就像大众壮阳药对于阳萎男人的作用。
And treatment has serious side effects, including, often, impotence and incontinence. 而这样的治疗有一些严重的副作用,包括性无能和不能节制。
The West European countries were torn between their impotence and their premonition of the economic dangers of another conflict. 西欧国家苦于无能为力,但又预感到再发生一次冲突将在经济上造成的危险。
The impotence and inactivity of the left-wing parties in europe. 欧洲左翼政党的无能和消极。
Smoking may reduce the blood flow and causes impotence. 吸烟可减少血液流动,引起无力、虚弱。
It represents an expression of impotence a cry of pain almost rather than a strategy. 它只是表达了一种无力感(几乎是一种痛苦的哭泣),而不是一种战略。
The stems and roots are used as medicine for traumatic injury, snake bites, impotence, and infantile malnutrition due to intestinal parasites. 茎和根为创伤的伤被用作药,蛇咬,由于肠的寄生物的无力和婴儿的营养不良。
As he sloshed through the wet snow he wrestled with a rising feeling of impotence, self-pity and rebellion. 他在潮湿的雪地里转来转去,和一种逐渐高涨的无能、自怜以及反抗的情绪搏斗着。
America seemed on the defensive, our impotence symbolized by the Iranian hostages. 在人们看来,美国似乎处于守势,伊朗人质问题成了我们软弱无能的象征。
Will feature self-sovereignty, self-treatment of human depression, schizophrenia, physical impotence and will impotence medicine. 自我主权意志特性,是人类自疗抑郁症、精神分裂症、生理阳痿和意志阳痿的良药。
Impotence can also be an early warning sign for conditions such as liver disease or heart and circulation problems. 性无能还有可能是肝病、心脏或循环系统问题的前兆。
This season is only suitable to cure impotence. 这季节只适宜医治不举。
Absence of libido may or may not correlate with infertility or impotence. 力比多的缺失与不育症以及阳痿的联系也并非绝对。
Panels of commentators at the same time remark caustically on western irrelevance and impotence. 对于西方事不关己的态度和表现出的无能,各路评论人士都予以了尖刻的批评。
Imagine having treatment or surgery which causes impotence when it wasn't necessary. 想象有治疗或手术导致阳痿时,这是没有必要的。