The law is intended to protect young and impressionable viewers. 该法律意图保护那些年轻且无判断力的电视观众。
I learned the importance of time, place, and tone& especially in an office filled with young, energetic, and impressionable employees. 我认识到时间、地点和语调的重要性,尤其是办公室里的员工大都年轻敏感、精力充沛。
An impressionable child reads this, and the next thing you know your whole family is out on the street. 孩子都很容易受影响和启发,如果他们读了,说不定哪天你们全家就不得不搬到大街上去住了。
But the photo scandal hasn't stopped the Disney star from reaching out to her impressionable young audience-because they can relate to her "mistakes". 然而照片丑闻并未停止这位迪斯尼巨星与她年轻敏感听众们贴得更近的步伐,因为他们可以从她的“错误”中得到前车之鉴。
The impressionable peasant leads a larger, fuller, more dramatic life than the pachydermatous king. 一个天性敏感的农民,他的生活比一个天性迟钝的国王的生活更广阔、更丰富、更激动人心。
Of course, not everyone will agree that encouraging young, impressionable minds to divide their attention among a phone, a laptop and a professor is worth the Ivy League tuition. 当然了,不是每个人都会同意让这些年轻的,极易受影响的头脑把注意力分散到手机,笔记本电脑上去,而且这个课能让上常春藤盟校的学费花有所值。
In Natasha's religiously impressionable state, this prayer affected her strongly. 此时,娜塔莎的内心最易于动情,这个祷告强烈地影响了她。
Need some meat on you, but I like an impressionable mind. 你得多吃肉,不过我欣赏你的头脑。
Cause and effect, however, are hard to distinguish: are impressionable journalists writing less about the future of the currency because it has not fallen so far, or because wider sentiment is more positive? 然而因果关系却很难厘清:记者较少撰文谈及欧元的未来,是因为欧元跌得还不够深,还是因为更广泛的情绪较为乐观?
Berenice had been an impressionable child. 白丽莱茜本是个敏感的孩子。
I was young and impressionable. 当时我很年轻,容易冲动。
Yet that first night in the city was exotic enough to thrill this impressionable adult. 然而,在这座城市的第一个夜晚,大量的异国情调使一个敏感的成年人颤抖。
But it is still a tremendous solecism to talk publicly about one's drug use un-less you are a recovering addict who wants to educate impressionable youth about their dangers. 但是公开谈论服用毒品仍然是十分失礼的,除非你是个已经戒毒的人并想告诫易受影响的年轻人毒品的危害。
When I was young and impressionable, I used to make the mistake of thinking that I had to feel "inspired" in order to write. 当我还年轻、易受影响的时候,常常会误以要写作就非要有“灵感”不可。
I believe that perhaps I was much influenced by such books, read at an impressionable age. 我认为这些书大概对我影响很大,因为是在容易接受的年龄里读的。
Poor Greely had suffered at her hands, but Cal was no impressionable boy. 可怜的格利列忍受她的一手造成的痛苦,但是卡巴顿不是容易动情的小伙子。
He might be an impressionable youngster. 他有可能是个容易受影响的年轻人。
In other cases, investors do not want younger or more impressionable members of their family to know the extent of their wealth, fearing that such knowledge might spoil them or expose them to exploitation. 在另一些情况下,投资人不希望家族的年轻人和易受金钱诱惑的成员了解其富有程度,担心他们知道了会宠坏小孩或遭致盘剥。
It seemed, to my impressionable mind, that everything existed only for the contemplation of him. 在我敏感的心灵中,一切的存在,仿佛都只为唤起对他深深的思念。
Because of this peculiarly intimate relationship with the members of my team in their most impressionable and formative years, I know that I can exercise great influence for good or bad on them. 在他们最难忘的成长岁月,我和队员们建立了特别亲密的关系。所以,我知道自己能给他们好的或坏的影响。
He's at that impressionable age. 他正处在敏感的年龄段。
He is at that impressionable age when he's very easily led by other children at school. 他正处于那易受感染的年龄,他会非常容易地跟学校里其他孩子学样。
The child is at an impressionable age. 这孩子正处于易受影响的年龄。
This kind of consumption is one area in which celebrities could set a conscionable example for impressionable young people. 这类消费是明星们能为接收力强的年轻人树立良好榜样的一个领域。
However, that doesn't mean you can't take advantage of their skills and teach those techniques to more impressionable monsters. 然而,这并不意味着你不能从它们的技能上获益、把这些技术教给更具可塑性的怪物。
You are impressionable like the emperor. 你和皇上一样耳软心活。
But the deep prejudice against the use of the left hand which was instilled in him during his most impressionable years will not be so easily done away with. 但是在他记性最好的年岁里就植根于他脑海中的,反对使用左手的深深的偏见,却并不是轻而易举可以摆脱的。
And with any luck, a wide-eyed impressionable vixen by my side. 幸运的话,身边还有一个睁大眼睛敏感女人。
We must act now while this baby-boomerang generation is still young and impressionable, and will be impressed with what a teacher, a preacher, or some other authority figure has to say. 我们必须现在就行动,二战后出生的这一代还小,很容易受影响,老师、牧师、权威人士所说的话会给他们留下深刻印象。
These first human contacts are most important, since he is very impressionable. 这些人类第一次接触是最重要的,因为他很易受。